My latest Game...Feedback Please
Hey guys, iJetSki HD, the iPad version of iJetSki for iPhone, is now available on the Apple App Store. Please let me know what you think. I also have some promo codes to give away. Email me if you are interested. [email protected]. Thanks guys.
- Alex
- Alex
but the screenShots in the description... have wrong orientation... and that detracts from the visual effect...
and, the description is a little wordy...
you can change them and the description... without having to resubmit...
@MH Thanks for the tips. I will be sure to fix the screenshot issue you mentioned, as well as try to shorten the App Description.
Would either of you like a promo code for iJetSki HD?
- Alex
@ MH, I will be redoing the screenshots and app description by the end of the day. Thanks for your help.
Thanks again for the help everyone, and I still have several promo codes to give away of the iPhone and iPad versions of iJetSki. Email me at [email protected] if you are interested.
- Alex