My latest Game...Feedback Please

osucowboy18osucowboy18 Member Posts: 1,307
edited November -1 in Announce Your Game!
Hey guys, iJetSki HD, the iPad version of iJetSki for iPhone, is now available on the Apple App Store. Please let me know what you think. I also have some promo codes to give away. Email me if you are interested. [email protected]. Thanks guys.

- Alex


  • MotherHooseMotherHoose Member Posts: 2,456
    Good to see a new one...
    but the screenShots in the description... have wrong orientation... and that detracts from the visual effect...
    and, the description is a little wordy...

    you can change them and the description... without having to resubmit...

  • bad_dawgbad_dawg Member Posts: 38
    how many downloads did you get??
  • osucowboy18osucowboy18 Member Posts: 1,307
    @bad_dawg iJetSki HD just went live on the App Store late last night/early this morning, so I don't have any sales data at this time. However, the iPhone version has sold close to 1,000 copies since its launch in August 2010.

    @MH Thanks for the tips. I will be sure to fix the screenshot issue you mentioned, as well as try to shorten the App Description.

    Would either of you like a promo code for iJetSki HD?

    - Alex
  • osucowboy18osucowboy18 Member Posts: 1,307
    Hey guys, just wanted to thank you all for the great feedback. On its first day on the App Store, iJetSki HD sold 21 copies. Hopefully it will do even better today!

    @ MH, I will be redoing the screenshots and app description by the end of the day. Thanks for your help.

    Thanks again for the help everyone, and I still have several promo codes to give away of the iPhone and iPad versions of iJetSki. Email me at [email protected] if you are interested.

    - Alex
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