Rickety Rocket new and noteworthy
Just saw my app in the New and Noteworthy under Simulation. it's the 20'th and last app on that list. Don't know when it got there, because sales have been averaging only about 10 a day. We'll see how/if this affects it.
I have the game, and while not my personal cup of tea, it's solid (heh!), looks good and has plenty of content.
And despite it not being my cup of tea, it's strangely addictive!
For a first app, it's awesome!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io
I think it depends greatly on the type of game and the amount of levels. .
Some people make their games very difficult to prolog gameplay time. This is pretty cheap in my opinion, but that's just me I'm sure!
If you have 100 levels, say, then players get a lot of content, and the degrees to which difficulty rises can be on a shallower gradient.
It's also a good idea to put in varying degrees of difficulty within a level. I'm made a few platform games in my time for the DS and the GameBoy. My mate Jake has made a lot more!
One common theme is to give the player goals *other* than reaching the target. Have collectables, say, that the player can pick up. Have a second, harder to get to collectible too maybe. Add a time challenge to the level that rewards the player for getting to the end within a certain time, for example, but doesn't punish them for not doing so!
The player's progress should not be artificially impeded in these kinds of scenarios i.e. he can get to the end ok! The challenge, and the difficulty, then becomes 'get all pickups of one kind' - 'get the special pickup' - complete the challenge quickly to get more points, etc!
Of course, the difficulty in getting to the end should go up too, but as I mentioned, if there are many levels then that difficulty curve can be much smoother!
Anyway, I'm rambling as I'm not all with it - I'll send you something in GS Mail to have a look at!
QS : D
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io