Those of you how have experience with "reserving" an app name ...

I have a question regarding "reserving" and app name for an up that should be completed in about 10 weeks (or close to that).
If I want to change the icon down the road, can that be done or will I need to reject and resubmit?
I have a question regarding "reserving" and app name for an up that should be completed in about 10 weeks (or close to that).
If I want to change the icon down the road, can that be done or will I need to reject and resubmit?

that is good to know ...
I've seen that screen shots can be changed any time but i have a hard time deciding on an icon.
HunnenKoening mentioned that a rename+reject job is an option too but that is a little too risky because I can not afford to lose that name
Thanks guys!
also ....
it should be enough to reserve one version (there is no need to do both, iPhone AND iPad), right?
The other day, I was able to register the domain " for a sister site to
The next application will be named after the URL "Little Music School"
I hope I did this right (saved all the "temporary" artwork and provisioning profile) and .... the rest will be, as they say, "history"!
This is a happy day
P.S. It's an eerie feeling to have 11 apps up there. Only 10 are showing so for the first time, I got to see the list view
I've just finished the "blueprint" for my new baby " " and wonder if any artists would want to contribute some artwork?
I am looking for cartoon animals, have existing artwork that is not mine and therefore needs to be drawn again.
Please tell me what you charge per drawing and if possible provide a sample (small low res jpg will do) of your work?
I'll need 8 images of animals and perhaps some background work on the web site.
My tablet pen stopped working the other day so I took it apart ... unfortunately, I can not put it back together so I have to do everything with the mouse until the replacement arrives!
Drawing with the mouse is like learning how to swim while you brush your teeth!
Just like Scoots, I like the image that's on the site right now. "Little Music School" makes me think of kids learning music (duh) and so does the artwork. I think it fits nicely.
My main job is in music production, and I really like the ethos of your line of apps. Keep it up!
sorry about the google ads, they are the only revenue the site will generate because not everyone will buy premium instruments and a membership fee is not practical when starting out!
I too worked for many years in music production and sometimes miss the good old days ...
Thanks for the feedback regarding the artwork ... I am working on a better version right now so I hope that the update will be a little more professional.
Actually, I love the little riders on the back of swimming notes. Many kids have such a hard time with notes so my first goal is to brake the theory down to more manageable bits by removing the excess clutter which is not needed to start out!
I'll be back
Anyone know if such thing is legal or does it have to be sent via registered mail?
The contents of the letter seem legit and warn me that If I don't remove the app from the app store (which is not yet uploaded) I'd be sued for $250000 in damages!
Interesting stuff .....
Furthermore, I can not find anything on the net and the URL was not previously registered so that's why I grabbed it the other day.
Strange that someone would not register that domain if they have the copyright of that phrase ...
I am still a little shocked that creating an app triggered their response.
I just registered the domain so this too will become tricky!
anonymous at anonuemitaet I'm
Sounds like a German site based on the spelling?
I don't know what to do ... Usually, everyone who can will register a domain .... why was still available if it is copyrighted?
And why an anonymous email that can't be traced?
If anyone has an idea who could advise me (except an expansive lawyer), I'd be very grateful!
Maybe I should contact apple?
It's not a big deal to take everything down but I just want to make sure I'm not falling for some prank
Edit: check it out
"Due to the nature of the Mixmaster software, I'm not able to find anything about the sender of specific emails. If you get unpleasant emails, you can add your email address to a blocking list."
It's too bad that a traceback is so hard because if it is fake, than someone broke the law by impersonating a third party plus a few other things which i'm sure are illegal.
Well, tomorrow will be an interesting day for sure.
My hunch is that someone was working on the same idea but could not publish because I have grabbed the name first ... that was their plan "B"?