Aim The Castle RELEASED
Aim the Castle, my third app has been approved today! It is a very simple game where all you have to do is shoot the targets in three different scenarios, 40 levels! An update has been submitted to Apple with 30 new levels and a complete redesign of the game!
Either way, nice going. I hope it does well.
A lot of kids at my school have tried it and love it.
Hopefully a few suggestions might help you in an update or future games.
1. The targets look less quality than the backgrounds (and even the target in your icon)
2. Name doesn't seem to match with the game theme ie Castle part
3. Scene shots don't look consistent in theme ie: forest/ mountains, then ocean wolves, then church/dinosaurs .. they each look good but to me a common theme would be more compelling
.... just some thoughts to try to help .... good luck with sales!
BTW what I was trying to go with here was to make like an adventure, the first scenario is the greenland, then you go to the entrance of the castle and then you get in the "church" (lol) which is supposed to be a castle, the dinosaurs are supposed to be the guards as well as the wolves.
But thanks anyways for the kind words mate!
copyright does require you to make a number of changes and some credit is usually required.