@QS - I'm glad you like it. I tried to make something a bit different, rather than just another runner. I'm thinking now maybe I should of put in into Puzzle category. At the moment it's in Arcade and Adventure. What do you think? As for how it's going so far, first day sales are poor. I think part of the problem is there are so many runners now. When I started the game a few months ago, there wasn't so many around. That's partially why I stopped working on it, and only picked it up again a couple of weeks ago. I thought it's a shame to just leave it.
hrsmedia said: I think part of the problem is there are so many runners now. When I started the game a few months ago, there wasn't so many around. That's partially why I stopped working on it, and only picked it up again a couple of weeks ago. I thought it's a shame to just leave it.
I hear ya. My timing was poor too.
Started Project AIR in June last year, would you believe - but Kraken and Gravitrixx got in the way
A few days after I restarted Project AIR Hachiko's template was available and now Darren's free one is out there.
I now have approximately 300 competitors! And that's just from GS
Luckily, it's a good game! But we'll see what happens when it's out in a couple of weeks!
Yeah am a little apprehensive now with my run and slash game. Not sure if it'll get noticed or not.
tenrdrmerMember, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-ChefPosts: 9,934
hrsmedia said: Working on a 1.1 update. Any suggestions for the update, for those who have played it? Thank you.
I love the game. Here's my recommendations for your update. Now these are not that big of a deal but It think reviewers will grip about it.
The first is a way to pause or get back to the menu from the level. Unless I'm blind I couldn't find a way out of the level without manually closing the app or beating the level (beating the level is the route I chose)
The second is something that only gives you each orb once. I went back to the orb trainer level to try and grab the one I missed and it added all of them to the total each time I played that level.
Now other than those two things. I love the art and the menus and UI and everything is very polished. Looks very professionally done. Game Play is smooth, And awesome. I love the flip when you jump against the side of the platform too. Gives you that last chance to save your ass.
@tenrdrmer - Thanks for your feedback. There is a menu button in the game at the top right, I guess I didn't make it clear enough. I'll fix that. Also I thought people might pick up on the orb thing. I guess I would have to make a boolean attribute for every orb and save if it's been taken or not. Any easier solution?
tenrdrmerMember, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-ChefPosts: 9,934
Well I'll be I clicked that thing several times with no luck . Just checked it again and it worked.
As far a the orbs I would say you can just track how many are collected in each level and only add them to the total if you collect more than the last time. You might email Darren. Running wild has a similar thing with collecting coins that unlocked the platformer demo Some how he tracked that you collected all of them but it never doubled up.
Also, your icon looks amazing, great job on that!
Got up to level 12 I think - some nice gameplay mechanics in there - I liked the transform - reminded me a little of Metroid
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io
Could a moderator maybe add the link to top post. Thanks.
Where Did you get the animations for the character.
Took some time to adjust to that!
Hope it's going well for you!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io
@QS - I'm glad you like it. I tried to make something a bit different, rather than just another runner. I'm thinking now maybe I should of put in into Puzzle category. At the moment it's in Arcade and Adventure. What do you think?
As for how it's going so far, first day sales are poor. I think part of the problem is there are so many runners now. When I started the game a few months ago, there wasn't so many around. That's partially why I stopped working on it, and only picked it up again a couple of weeks ago. I thought it's a shame to just leave it.
By the way, what level did you get to?
I really like the animation that's just what I was searching for.
Thank you.
Started Project AIR in June last year, would you believe - but Kraken and Gravitrixx got in the way
A few days after I restarted Project AIR Hachiko's template was available and now Darren's free one is out there.
I now have approximately 300 competitors! And that's just from GS
Luckily, it's a good game! But we'll see what happens when it's out in a couple of weeks!
Good luck fella! Hope it picks up for ya!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io
The first is a way to pause or get back to the menu from the level. Unless I'm blind I couldn't find a way out of the level without manually closing the app or beating the level (beating the level is the route I chose)
The second is something that only gives you each orb once. I went back to the orb trainer level to try and grab the one I missed and it added all of them to the total each time I played that level.
Now other than those two things. I love the art and the menus and UI and everything is very polished. Looks very professionally done. Game Play is smooth, And awesome. I love the flip when you jump against the side of the platform too. Gives you that last chance to save your ass.
Great Work.
@tenrdrmer - Thanks for your feedback. There is a menu button in the game at the top right, I guess I didn't make it clear enough. I'll fix that. Also I thought people might pick up on the orb thing. I guess I would have to make a boolean attribute for every orb and save if it's been taken or not. Any easier solution?
As far a the orbs I would say you can just track how many are collected in each level and only add them to the total if you collect more than the last time. You might email Darren. Running wild has a similar thing with collecting coins that unlocked the platformer demo Some how he tracked that you collected all of them but it never doubled up.
lacrossemonster (at) live (dot) com
@laxking97 - No problem, I'll send you one.
[email protected]
Robot Runner is N&N Adventure. Not main page. But better than nothing.
- Pause menu
- Level tweaks
- Double jump fix
- Tweet, rate buttons.
lacrossemonster @ live . com