iShoot It HD For iPad Now LIVE on the App Store...Get your FREE Promo Code NOW!
Hey everyone,
The iPad version of my latest iPhone app is now available on the App Store! Now that its on the App Store, iShoot It HD needs great reviews. Please email me at [email protected] if you would like a free promo code in exchange for a great review. I would also be happy to review any of your apps in exchange for a great review of iShoot It HD. Thanks everyone, look forward to hearing from you!
- Alex
The iPad version of my latest iPhone app is now available on the App Store! Now that its on the App Store, iShoot It HD needs great reviews. Please email me at [email protected] if you would like a free promo code in exchange for a great review. I would also be happy to review any of your apps in exchange for a great review of iShoot It HD. Thanks everyone, look forward to hearing from you!
- Alex
- Alex