difficult to say ... would need great graphics and some other gameplay objectives to get me to think about buying it. Right now the labyrinth options out there are quite numerous so you need to make it your own imho!
Regardless of whether or not it would sell, the iphone/ipod touch don't have keyboards, and your game uses the arrow keys. You could use a touch D-pad. The graphics need to be made. If you made the game interesting enough, and added enough interesting game elements e. g. enemies, and gave it cool graphics, then maybe it would. As is, though, even with more levels added, no.
if the customer knew that there are only 3 levels, I do not think it would sell well unless there was a game mechanic in place to make each level replayable somehow.
@asym well im still working on the graphics at the moment and will have a nice variety of enemies @forklift and there will be more levels added this is just a sample of what will be made thank you guys for ur opinions this really helps as this is my first take at a game :]
Good. I'm happy to hear you're not planning on making a graphicless game. Good luck with inspiration for game elements and the implementation of them into your game.
I agree with most on the forum here. It needs graphics. I would even suggest that you add a theme to it. Like the walls were giant flames and you're trying to escape a dungeon or something. People like themes, so a hero of some type for the main character. Also, stats would be cool (i.e. how many times hit wall, time to finish a level, etc).
@forklift and there will be more levels added this is just a sample of what will be made thank you guys for ur opinions this really helps as this is my first take at a game :]
Signature coming soon (maybe)