Thanks Darren & Wayne - iShoot It HD Submitted To Apple
Hello everyone, I just submitted my first iPad app to Apple...iShoot It HD! iShoot It HD is the iPad version of iShoot It for iPhone and iPod Touch, which is now available on the Apple App Store. I would like to say a huge THANK YOU to Darren and Wayne for helping me achieve this by creating their program GS Project Resizer. If it wasn't for them, I doubt I would have ever built an iPad version of iShoot It. But Project Resizer literally took out about 95% of the work I had to do. I was able to get a level done in about 5 minutes rather than 1 hour. So thanks again Darren and Wayne, I look forward to your future releases, and for everyone still considering weather or not to buy Project Resizer, DO IT, it is so simple to use, yet so helpful. And be sure to look for iShoot It HD on the App Store in the following days.
- Alex
- Alex
Best of luck with sales.
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- Alex