Game about ready, can you help with name ideas?
I have been working on this game on and off for a few months now, it's about ready to go. I have been using a working title for a while, but not too sure about it. Can anyone help with name ideas?
You are in control of a robot and you have to make your way through the levels, in futuristic type setting. There are levels and an endless mode to unlock. Here is a quick video of some of the gameplay.
You are in control of a robot and you have to make your way through the levels, in futuristic type setting. There are levels and an endless mode to unlock. Here is a quick video of some of the gameplay.

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I have considered something like cyber run, but there is already a game called CyberRunner on the store, too similar?
"Looks Badass" could be interesting name also.. Keep the ideas coming thanks!
The best part about the name is that you have room for a sequel here "very very angry birds"
Poor quadrupeds ... no one ever used them
My first game "Food Fight!" is impossible to track unless I add the studio name and I probably miss a lot with that. My second game I named "Nesen Probe" (Nesen is a scandinavian word for "nose") and I searched before launch to make sure nothing came in through Google. After it launched I could see all references to it with a Google Alert.
Oh, using "a" or "b" or a letter early in the alphabet is good for keeping your app near the top of lists.
What's best for searches really?
EDIT: Design219 u posted at the same time, yea I wa thinking the same thing. If I user Runner or whatever will it get lost?
Running Premise
Running Supersonic
(Apologies to Lucky Luke)
Bionic Robot!
Bionic Runner
Split Second Machine
Robot Rush!
Robot Surge!
Metal Streak
Beyond Bounds
Blaze n' Burst!
Metal Burst
how many children do you have? (most couples only have two because they can't .... think of good names for more)
that is an impressive list ... and plenty of left overs for the next guy who suffers from the "can't think of a name" syndrome
But I'm an avid gamer, and a thesaurus helps too
I created a poll with my favs from the thread.
Just kidding, sorry scitunes couldn't resist :-)
I'm thinking maybe just go with Free Running, Free Run, or Free Runner? Probably best for searches, no?
CyberDash How about Dashboot?
Lots to choose from - looks like you put a lot into it! Nice one!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Snow, I put Bionic Runner to a few people a couple of weeks ago, and they said it sounded a bit 80s. But I do like the name, as I do the others...
Sheep, BioRunner is also cool, I have considered it also. ha Dashboot reminds me of the film Das Boot.
Yea I've worked pretty hard on this one, I don't normally have trouble coming up with a name, but this one has got me stumped.
It looks like Must Keep Running has most votes so far. Maybe I have to stop thinking about searches, and just pick the one that sounds the coolest.
The Cool Wall:
Must Keep Running, Bionic Runner, BioRunner, Split Second Machine, Split Second Robot, Metal Streak.
Anyway I'm gonna make a decision in the next hour, even if I have to pick it out of a hat!