PONTO - 48 hours - GGJ 2011

Hello everyone.
Here is the trailer of the prototype game we made during this year's Global Game Jam.
The game is about your own extinction. You are always so close to death, find a way to survive.
We had approximately 32h of actual production time.
The "team" was me http://twitter.com/fremachuca and http://twitter.com/hendinar
You can download the game at : http://www.globalgamejam.org/2011/ponto
We had lots of fun and can't wait for the next jam!
Hope you guys like it!
Here is the trailer of the prototype game we made during this year's Global Game Jam.
The game is about your own extinction. You are always so close to death, find a way to survive.
We had approximately 32h of actual production time.
The "team" was me http://twitter.com/fremachuca and http://twitter.com/hendinar
You can download the game at : http://www.globalgamejam.org/2011/ponto
We had lots of fun and can't wait for the next jam!
Hope you guys like it!
I really like the music, too.
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io