Just tested my (nearly finished) game on an iphone 4 and it runs at 60fps even when loads of stuff is going on... so smooooth! The 2nd gen ipod runs between 30-45fps. Not great but good enough for an old device I think.
Even better the gfx (made for 480 screens) look good, I had to stare at the two versions side by side to notice the difference.
Building this game is great. Especially when I finally get the logic to work as I intended!
Even better the gfx (made for 480 screens) look good, I had to stare at the two versions side by side to notice the difference.
Building this game is great. Especially when I finally get the logic to work as I intended!
I'll post some screens and vids up soon. My dev partner does all the art and he's making some great stuff - its all hand created (and NOT 'doodle' style!) so I think you'll all be pleased with what you see.
What I'm trying to do with game is make something that you can connect with emotionally, perhaps only on a small level - but to think along the lines of 'what does the player experience?' As opposed to 'what does the player do?' Or, 'hey that's cool... for a GS game' ;o)
And make it fun of course.
I've been playing games since a child - it's so cool to be able to make them!
Ok, enough for now. Just excited that its nearly ready to release...