Game Price Reccomendation
I want to sell a game i used to have on the app store. I took it off because of some bugs and i recently fixed all the issues it had. The game is Called Snail Jumper. Its a platform type game. The graphics and code are both included when its on sale.
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Snail Jumper is a very fun and addictive jumping game. This is not a typical snail that lives underground, yet it is a moving snail build in a shape of a house and a vehicle combined, which gives your snail the capability of moving and jumping through different shapes and forms of rails to keep you alive. Jump high or higher or even slow down your snail as its coming down, you have complete control over it. You will have to change your strategy and the way you play depending on which game mode you select, that makes this game very hard to let go once you start. Each mode has different rails that transforms into various shapes and collective point characters that fit your game mode. Your goal will be to stay on top and collect as many points as you can while trying to land on the rails safely to give your snail the strength to jump back up.
Game Modes:
*** SHRINK MODE - This mode contains of blue rails that shrink once the snail lands on it. Staying on the rail to long will result in the death of your snail. Time your jumps accurately to allow yourself enough space to move on the next rail.
- Collective Points
* Ice Freezer - Gives you +5 points
- Covers the snail with ice
- Sprinkles snow flakes
- Floats up high randomly
* Diamond Water - Gives you +3 points
- Releases water drop
- Comes with every rail
*** FLIP MODE - This mode contains of red rails which starts flipping in different direction as the snail lands on it. These rails makes the snail go off balance but gives you enough control over your snail to jump on the next rail.
- Collective Points
* Fire Drops - Gives you +5 points
- Changes background color
- Releases fire balls
- Floats up high randomly
* Fire Flares - Gives you +3 points
- Releases snail's souls
- Comes with every rail
*** STEADY MODE - This mode contains yellow rails and come in steady movements and does not change its shape as your snail lands on it. This makes it easy to control and balance the snail to jump on to the upcoming rails.
- Collective Points
* Water Drops - Gives you +5 points
- Splashes water drops
- Changes size as it floats
- Floats up high randomly
* Leaf Bubbles - Gives you +3 points
- Releases leaves
- Comes with every rail