translating into korean

utongragutongrag Member Posts: 91
hi there, as you might already know South Korea is becoming very well known, over the past 50 years most things have been focused on South Korea's Development, actually since the iphone first launched it is probably the most seen phone out there. and now its getting bigger and bigger and South Korea rising it is a prime place for marketing as you might already know most businesses are heading straight there!
well so my offer??
well im British who speaks fluent Korean and lives here with my korean friend who also speak fluent British English, and we want to provide a service so you can get your apps into the korean market. well you might think "great another language... so what?"
well with that extra language you will get plenty more downloads, we will translate your whole game every menu every part of speech, even your post on itunes. we will do it all, and the best part is you don't even have to write down a script ( it helps ) you can easily send a promo code we will download the app give us just 1 day and done everything translated simple as that. so send me an email at
[email protected]
pricing ranges from just 30$ to 200$ depending how much writing you have.
normall menus at 30$
and a full rpg for 200$
so send an email! its your chance to get a whole lot more downloaders!
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