(Vote for us!) Green World - An Epic Educational Game by team Plump Pixel

Hello GameSalad community!
Green World is a real time strategy, educational game created by team Plump Pixel for the National STEM video game challenge. The goal of the challenge was to create an educational game deployable cross-platform (especially mobile) that teaches children K-12 about STEM criteria (Such as science and mathematics).
Green World puts the player in the role of a city planner, who has the goal of providing a sustainable amount of energy to a growing city while minimizing pollution. The player can accomplish this through various ways: researching cleaner vehicles, building cleaner power producing structures, building recycling centers, and many many more.
Please check out our trailer: Vote for Green World!
You may have to refresh the page, sometimes is does not fully load. If you think that this game is worth a vote, please don't hesitate to click the "Applaud This" button to the right. Voting only takes about 30 seconds.
Thanks for reading this announcement about our new game. Whether or not we win the competition, you can expect to see more of Green World in the future!
Green World is a real time strategy, educational game created by team Plump Pixel for the National STEM video game challenge. The goal of the challenge was to create an educational game deployable cross-platform (especially mobile) that teaches children K-12 about STEM criteria (Such as science and mathematics).
Green World puts the player in the role of a city planner, who has the goal of providing a sustainable amount of energy to a growing city while minimizing pollution. The player can accomplish this through various ways: researching cleaner vehicles, building cleaner power producing structures, building recycling centers, and many many more.
Please check out our trailer: Vote for Green World!
You may have to refresh the page, sometimes is does not fully load. If you think that this game is worth a vote, please don't hesitate to click the "Applaud This" button to the right. Voting only takes about 30 seconds.
Thanks for reading this announcement about our new game. Whether or not we win the competition, you can expect to see more of Green World in the future!