Collide Behavior on Specific Parts of a Circle - Creating a Hoop?

How can i make colliders on specific parts of a full circle ?
Say i want an actor to go through the a circle hoop but collides with the top and down part of the hoop , How can I do this ?
Say i want an actor to go through the a circle hoop but collides with the top and down part of the hoop , How can I do this ?
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Make game attribute, game.Centered = Boollean.
In your main actor have a rule like this.
If Overlaps or Collide with: Loop and invisible circle.
Change attribute game.centered to true
Otherwise false.
Another rule
If Game.centered = True
Collide with Loop.
Are you looking for the collision to happen inside the loop? Like say a plane flies thru a loop but hits a part as it exits?
Let us know if so and will be able to provide a solution to that. If not then I have it wrong and yes you can select a circle as the collision shape but the collision will happen on the first point of contact on the outside of that circle.
This is what I mean.
Plane goes though the hoop , nothing happens . But it gets destroyed when it collides with the down or top part of the hoop .
So basically whats happening is ,
If plane goes through the hoop ( not touching the top or down part of the hoop ) the plane doesn't get destroyed
but it gets destroyed when it collides with the top and down part of the hoop .
So is there a way to create actor to specifically cover a certain part of the hoop ?
Couple of issues as I see it:
1. Your hoops will need to be cut in two in your graphics program so one can exist behind the plane actor and one in front. You will need to place them together to look seemless and co-ordinate their movements in synch
2. You will need a few invisible actors to be the actual colliders. They should be placed around your circle and constrained to the x and y of your circle offset by + or - values.
This may sound hard but it actually isn't really. First thing I would tackle is getting you two loop halfs to fit together and move as one.
Let me know if you need more on this.