I've just made Quake Builder full version free for 48 hours...
Afternoon. Just out of interest more than an actual cunning marketing plan
I've made my game Quake Builder (the full version) free on the app store for 48 hours.
I made the game with GameSalad last summer and get a few downloads a day of the complete version, and around 800 a day of the free one. The highest it ever got in the charts was around number 89 on the puzzle UK chart.
Here's the promo vid I made last year:

The walkthrough vid I made last year:

Take a look if your interested. Any positive reviews are always welcome.
There are numerous things I'd want to change in the game, most notably fix how the rotating blocks work with multi-touch. But I'm too busy/excited/ happy making my next game.
I've made my game Quake Builder (the full version) free on the app store for 48 hours.
I made the game with GameSalad last summer and get a few downloads a day of the complete version, and around 800 a day of the free one. The highest it ever got in the charts was around number 89 on the puzzle UK chart.
Here's the promo vid I made last year:

The walkthrough vid I made last year:

Take a look if your interested. Any positive reviews are always welcome.
There are numerous things I'd want to change in the game, most notably fix how the rotating blocks work with multi-touch. But I'm too busy/excited/ happy making my next game.
Best of luck.
Not really sure what my plan is, just hoping it might jump up quite high in the free charts...
Best Chart Rankings*
#18 in Puzzle Games (iPhone) on Jan 20, 2011
#47 in Action Games (iPhone) on Jan 20, 2011
#87 in Top Games (iPhone) on Jan 20, 2011
#180 in Top Apps (iPhone) on Jan 20, 2011
Today's Chart Rankings*
#18 in Puzzle Games (iPhone)
#47 in Action Games (iPhone)
#87 in Top Games (iPhone)
#180 in Top Apps (iPhone)
Tempted to leave it free for a few more days to see if it gets any higher, what do you think?
It has made me think maybe I'll dig the project out, change the bird actor for something less 'Angry Birds', fix the rotating blocks so they work differently, maybe add another load of levels. Release with multitasking enabled...
after 35,337 free downloads in one day.... (which for a game I made 9 months ago is very silly)
#8 in Puzzle Games (iPhone) on Jan 21, 2011
#11 in Action Games (iPhone) on Jan 21, 2011
#34 in Top Games (iPhone) on Jan 21, 2011
#61 in Top Apps (iPhone) on Jan 21, 2011
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io
(Damn you caps lock!!!)
Also I want to fix the rotating blocks, how best do you think I could do that as the multi touch is just not working...I tried ideas before but nothing worked quite right....you need to be able to spin them easily.
Also do I chuck ads in?
Or wait a while then make it paid again?
the tetris idea for the blocks makes perfect sense, will get it sorted this weekend.
updated menu page
It had 51,515 downloads esterday
Best Chart Rankings*
#6 in Puzzle Games (iPhone) on Jan 22, 2011
#11 in Action Games (iPhone) on Jan 22, 2011
#30 in Top Games (iPhone) on Jan 22, 2011
#52 in Top Apps (iPhone) on Jan 22, 2011
Today's Chart Rankings*
#6 in Puzzle Games (iPhone)
#11 in Action Games (iPhone)
#30 in Top Games (iPhone)
#52 in Top Apps (iPhone)
Just downloaded twice for you.
@DreamLab, will never say no to some good reviews obviously :-) . I'm just adding a button so if they complete part of the game there will be a button so they can be taken back to the app store to leave a review.
@Utopian - Cheers
@BreezeOnHold - not really sure where everyone was/is finding it, I guess when I did the price drop it would of gone up on all the price drop websites and apps, and then maybe had enough downloads off of that to get into the charts which helps boost itself....
Just got yesterdays results:
74,874 downloads, so it's ridiculously still going up steadily on the 3rd day.
Today's Chart Rankings*
#14 in Action Games (iPhone)
world rankings here: (Was number one action game yesterday in a few countries)
It's only in one the american charts now though, so has dropped out of Top Apps, Games, and Puzzles. So the numbers might drop drastically tomorrow. Trying to get the update done but it might be a bit too late in coming by the time it gets approved. But hopefully still get a few views from ads once they're in and working... (Fingers crossed)
Still in all the charts its just TopAppCharts.com was'nt showing it earlier.
Today's Chart Rankings*
#9 in Puzzle Games (iPhone)
#14 in Action Games (iPhone)
#40 in Top Games (iPhone)
#68 in Top Apps (iPhone)
Just publishing an Adhoc build with the new asteroid character, iads and new controls for the rotating blocks. Had to change lots of artwork when getting rid of the birds, but at least I should have a cleaner conscience. :-)
I wonder if I can write to apple and ask them to turn around the approval extra quick?
GameSalad software has decided that my old game will have random problems that did'nt use to be a problem.
Eg. the earth quake no longer comes on, on random levels.
I'm sure there is a reason, but I've only changed images and added adverts.
So I'm not sure if its just GS updates in the past that mean I have problems with a game made with an earlier version or not. Frustrating as I really wanted to submit the game today in the hope of cashing in on all the free downloads before the vanish...
to 65,077
Making yesterdays todays U.S. chart positions:
Today's Chart Rankings*
#11 in Puzzle Games (iPhone)
#19 in Action Games (iPhone)
#53 in Top Games (iPhone)
#91 in Top Apps (iPhone)
I'm pretty much finished working on the update, just need to play it through to make sure all the levels work as there was a random bug where earthquakes (rotating platform) just did'nt start, making a level much much easier to complete. Some bug caused from working on a project made with GS 0.8 in GS 0.9. Turned out if I deleted a rule and remade it, it is a lot happier.
The update brings:
'Multi tasking support'
'Multi touch blocks fix'
'Faster Loading times'
'Animated stormystudio sting'
'Link on completion so users can leave a review if they like'
'Slightly easier earlier levels'.
It's been an age since I've actually had something to submit to the app store, but finally remembered all the steps..
Now I just need to remake the promo video and the walkthrough one and update those...
Then take a week off of GameSalad I think. Apart from a quick check of the forum each day and the 12.30pm check on the itunes connect app to see how sales are doing...
Does anyone know if you get iads data in itunes connect on the app?
Oh here's the a pic of my app icons and how they've developed over the past year... for discussion.
[email protected]
I know in your finacial report there will be a seperate listing for ad revenue, not sure about the daily sales check though
Would like to make the whole fame again at some point as so much of it could be made better/differently.
Maybe an update maybe version 2 or maybe a whole new game.
What are you working on at the mo?
yesterday 33,530....
so still loads but half less than a few days ago... its slowly dieing....
Today's Chart Rankings*
#18 in Puzzle Games (iPhone)
#28 in Action Games (iPhone)
#99 in Top Games (iPhone)
I could really do with my update being approved about 2 days ago...
thats pretty quick for apple....
Woo! finger crossed the update is ok..