First App: Demon Hunter Episode 1

Hey fellas! Been a long time in the coming but here it is!
I'm emphasizing the "Episode 1" part, there's a lot more games called Demon Hunter than I expected, so if you check it out, be sure to find the correct game.
Would love it if whoever downloads could give it a review? Lacking that at the moment xD
I'm emphasizing the "Episode 1" part, there's a lot more games called Demon Hunter than I expected, so if you check it out, be sure to find the correct game.
Would love it if whoever downloads could give it a review? Lacking that at the moment xD
Sure i can give it 5 stars and a good review on the German store
if you want you can do the same for me ^^
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The presentation is awesome. Nice one! I have a few niggles gameplay wise and usability wise (when you die, you can only continue, for example. Or that I don't remember seeing any options. Or you can skip a cut-scene, but you can't just forward to what the next person says manually).
Overall though, it's a nice jump 'n' hack game, which is refreshing!
Nice one dude!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
I'll eventually get the cleanest and easiest platform for me to work with.
intrigued by the graphics... nice atmosphere!
glad you got the link in!
Much appreciated!