I'm a illustrator, and I'm looking for a developer

bragalobragalo Member Posts: 5
Hi, I'm a italian illustrator...I'm looking for a developer to publish a game...take a look on my blog: nicorigobello.blogspot.com
See you!!


  • MotherHooseMotherHoose Member Posts: 2,456
    Beautiful beautiful just beautiful Art work, Nicolὸ!

    if you don't have the details of a game (the storyline, etc.), then most developers wont consider doing a game as they would be doing all the work... though they certainly should buy your artwork.

    so either offer to create/sell artwork to developers... or sit down a write a game scenario and learn GS.

    either way... think you have an excellent chance of fulfilling your dream of becoming an illustrator.


    EDIT: I made a direct link to your blog:
    Nicolὸ's Art
  • CodeCodeCodeCode Member Posts: 200
    Sounds nice i'm always looking for an illustrator.
    just send me an email or add me to msn [email protected]
  • bragalobragalo Member Posts: 5
    @MotherHoose: :D Thaaaanks...Thanks for your tips. I have some ideas, and I put it on paper. thanks a lot.

    @Prodigio: Ok, I'll write you in the coming days
  • BackUpAndDownBackUpAndDown Member Posts: 685
    Amazing art work. I love how you experiment with different styles and don't just use the basic black lined/bright coloured/gradient shaded style like 80% of all app graphic artistes. =P
  • HachikoHachiko Member Posts: 330
    Hi bragalo, I'm italian too, from Milan.
    If you have something in mind already, or just to chat, mail me at hachisoft at hotmail dot it .
    I work with Corona, but can use gamesalad too if needed.
  • bragalobragalo Member Posts: 5
    @Hachiko: Ma allora perchè non mi hai scritto in italiano??? :D
    mi hai scritto che lavori con corona, da quanto? hai già prodotto qualcosa???
    Comunque io qualche idea ce l'avrei, adesso stò buttando giù qualche sketch su carta...se hai qualche idea si potrebbe collaborare assieme.....
  • HachikoHachiko Member Posts: 330
    @bragalo: non ho scritto in italiano perché è un forum inglese :P Lavoro con Corona da agosto non stop, e sto lavorando attualmente a 3 progetti, ma son tutti e tre piccini e la voglia non mi manca. Di prodotto, più che altro lavori freelance, fatti per altri clienti.
    Per le idee, parliamone via mail, anche perché ora come ora in testa ho fatto tabula rasa, lol, se mi sendi qualche sketch magari mi prende l'ispirazione :°
  • HunnenkoenigHunnenkoenig Member Posts: 1,173
    Not bad.

    You have some talent, but also much to learn.

    I recognize some perspective issues on the building at the stares.

    Your art is funny (owls), but also somehow disturbing and strange. Remains me a bit to Tim Burton.
    Good for niche market, but on the appstore not for the masses, that's sure. In my opinion...
  • bragalobragalo Member Posts: 5
    @Hunnenkoenig: thanks for your criticism ...I will improve my drawing and my style...

    @Hachiko: guarda, io in questo momento ho parecchio lavoro da fare, ma nei pochi momenti libero mi metto sicuramente a schizzare qualcosa...il fatto è che ancora non ho bene in testa che cosa voler produrre...un gioco, ok, ma di che tipo?? ho qualche idea ma ancora molto vaga...se invece tu hai già qualcosa in mente di abbastanza definito potrei iniziare a lavorare su quelle idee.....se vuoi scrivermi in una mail per bene è: [email protected]...
    Ciao ciao
  • HunnenkoenigHunnenkoenig Member Posts: 1,173
    Don't get me wrong, I like your art. Don't change it. There are few people, who dare to make something in this style, but I think, there is still a "market" for that. Just not as big as for the standard "disney style" :-)

    I am not an artist, but I have much to do with artists and I can see, how they improve their technique month by month, just by drawing, drawing, drawing :-)

    So excersize is everything. And of course looking at other people's work.

    There are many platforms for artists, like Deviant Art or CG Community. There you can get honest feedbacks and advices and you have many professionals to learn from.
  • bragalobragalo Member Posts: 5
    I don't get you wrong. I like criticism because they can let me improove my skills. I know deviantart a cg. And I see all others artists, for learn and have feedback... :D Thanks for your help
  • IncrediboIncredibo Member Posts: 274
    e-mail me please [email protected]
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