My first project : Mill Game

Hello everyone !
I'm nex here. My name is Xavier, I'm French.
I discovered GameSalad during the Christmas holiday and I was really impressed by the possibility.
This is a first project, something very basic...
It's only playable at two... It's 100% artificial intelligence free !!!
And sound free too !! 
I'd love to do a collection of old game like this.
But what I reaaaaaaally want to do is an adventure game, kind of point and click with murders to resolve...
Things like this.
I wanted to create a rule for this game when the green Mill Gem will appear when 3 stones were in a raw but I couldn't find a way that really worked...
All suggestions are welcome !!
Her's the link :
I'm nex here. My name is Xavier, I'm French.
I discovered GameSalad during the Christmas holiday and I was really impressed by the possibility.
This is a first project, something very basic...
It's only playable at two... It's 100% artificial intelligence free !!!

I'd love to do a collection of old game like this.
But what I reaaaaaaally want to do is an adventure game, kind of point and click with murders to resolve...

I wanted to create a rule for this game when the green Mill Gem will appear when 3 stones were in a raw but I couldn't find a way that really worked...
All suggestions are welcome !!
Her's the link :
We were so poor .... If we would find a white clean carton and orange peels, we would rip little bits of the orange skin and used the two sides as "stones" as it gave us the orange and white color.
Then we drew the three squares and circles .... We played Mill for hours!
Isn't that copyrighted?
I never played that game before !!!
About the copyright, i thought that as it was an old game, there was no real "owner" of the rights. I think it's the same for Chekers or Chess... But I'm not really sure actually.
The game is just a test to learn the basics of GameSalad. I did it in less than two days.
Maybe I will go directly to an original game now...
Unfortunately your game is very very "bugged", because there are no coded rules, which would prevent cheating or count and warn about mistakes or warn about false moves etc.
I could push "Mill" even if I had no right to do that and I could take the opponent's stones. I also could make as many moves with one side as I wanted etc.
It's a nice template, but it is not really polished.
Hunnenkoenig : Yes, you're right, the game is bugged ! I found several just few minutes uploading it !
The back button for instance is not a reset game, he is just a change scene, which is not good because you can't really play it a second time like this...
I realized also that if I'm placing all the stones on the Mill button, they disappear but the Victory scene is not appearing...
The idea was to make something very simple for me...
I put some rules in it but I'm discovering all that.
The next one will be better !!
Xylofun, So the Mill Game is actually copyrighted !!! Wow, some people don't know shame talking about "invention" when they copyright a game without ages...
Thanks for that researsh !!
Binder, Henry (9207 Inkster Rd., Livonia, MI, 48150) can eat my shorts.
To be honest all american patent office employees and patent holders can eat my shorts, because their patents are useless like crap.
The patent was filled in 1993. I was playing Mill in Hungary already in 1976 and my father played it in 1956 probably.
So Binder Henry can screw himself.
I didn't read through the patent, but it seems for me that Binder Henry "invented" some special rules or a special board or so... (the PDF images don't work). Then it is patented only for that ruleset and/or design.
I think, nobody is interested to copy Binder Henry's "invention"...