Anyone ever used this site to view ranks and reviews looks as though you can view all country reviews for free as well as rankings.
Another reason I ask is After dumping all the rest of my promo codes yesterday it shows my US rank has shot up to 325 in strategy.
I read on the forum here that people say the promo codes don't affect your rank anymore so I m just curious if this site is even accurate.
Another reason I ask is After dumping all the rest of my promo codes yesterday it shows my US rank has shot up to 325 in strategy.
I read on the forum here that people say the promo codes don't affect your rank anymore so I m just curious if this site is even accurate.
I also bought AppViz which downloads all the reports to my computer so I can track it as well.
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There's also a top grossing rank as well, which is how much money you've made vs. other people, but that is not displayed on the phone itself. Only number of units sold is shown.
Promo codes used to count towards grossing ranks, but Apple recently changed it.
People were gaming the system by charging 200$ for their app, sending out 50 promo codes, once the 50 codes were used changing the app back to .99 cents. It would make it seem like they just sold 10,000$ worth of apps.
I'm not certain if promo codes affect number of units sold anymore or not. They used to.
Thank FMG