Escape! Simplicity Intensified

dshoedshoe Member Posts: 62
edited November -1 in Announce Your Game!
My first iOS game is in the app store, Escape! Simplicity Intensified.
A random game testing your reflexes and speed. Drag the red square around to avoid all other shapes. Lasting for long periods of time gains you lives.

New levels and features to come including power ups.


  • GamersRejoiceGamersRejoice Member Posts: 817
    Congrats on your first game. One suggestion if I may? You should probably add some graphics to your game if you want to sell any copies.
  • dshoedshoe Member Posts: 62
    My plan for this is to eventually add almost like a skin to this game. Maybe turn it into a game similar to asteroids? After I add in some new features like the power ups which will allow for some shooting and such we will see where this game leads. But thanks!
  • dshoedshoe Member Posts: 62
    I have made some good improvements to my game including

- Improved control system, you can now drag from anywhere on the screen to move the red square to avoid fingers being in the way
- Enemy spawning improved

    - Removed unnecessary enemies

    You can play the latest update here
  • quantumsheepquantumsheep Member Posts: 8,188
    That's pretty good - well done!

    As GamersRejoice mentioned, some graphics will help I think!

    Also, when you have 1 life left, the count goes down to 0 if you're hit. If you're hit again, you die.

    Most games usually kill you on your last life (1).

    I'm very interested in how you did the 'drag from anywhere' stuff. Any pointers would be great!


    QS :D

    Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...

  • QbAnYtOQbAnYtO Member Posts: 523
    visuals always help... so does sound.
  • THRSTNTHRSTN Member Posts: 178
    Nice. I'm with QS would love to see an example of how you did the drag from anywhere.
  • dshoedshoe Member Posts: 62
    Thanks guys! I think I have decided I'm going to turn this into some heavy twist on asteroids adding in boss elements and possibly weapons.

    For the movement you need four attributes

    Hopefully most of you can understand pseudo code :p

    if (TouchInside or TouchOutside) {
    OldX = game.Touches.X
    OldY = game.Touches.Y

    Timer (every 0.025 seconds [will be playing with this variable for optimized performance]) {
    NewX = (game.Touches.X - OldX)
    NewY = (game.Touches.Y - OldY)
    self.Position.X = self.Position.X + NewX
    self.Position.Y = self.Position.Y + NewY
    OldX = game.Touches.X
    OldY = game.Touches.Y

    sorry guys this forum wont recognize my proper code notation so it's all un-fancy but hopefully you can understand it. I uploaded a downloadable project with my drag anywhere to move example.

    P.S. Is there any way to edit my original post? It seems this forum only allows editing for a certain period of time which I have never seen before. Kinda seems impractical.
  • StormyStudioStormyStudio United KingdomMember Posts: 3,989

    Nice set of rules you have there. Thanks for sharing.

    Yes the forum stops you editing a post after an hour I think.

    Sort of good to keep things set in stone and a cleaner interface, but can be annoying when you want to change the very first post to sort of describe what the topic evolves into.

    Game looks like it's coming along, graphics obviously be nice one day. But it makes sense to perfect the gameplay using block actors then tackle the graphics when ready. Good luck with it.
  • dshoedshoe Member Posts: 62
    Thanks! I just got into Adobe Illustrator which is SUCH an amazing program so hopefully I can pull out some graphics with that. Any suggestions on game play and possible themes are welcome! Post em here or you guys could email me at [email protected]
  • StormyStudioStormyStudio United KingdomMember Posts: 3,989
    Game theme idea. To make it very different to asteroids but similar playing style.

    Top down view,

    Your an Indiana jones style character, with a flaming torch in hand, your being attacked by bolders or snakes and you have to get out the way. Added visual coolness with a flickering light of the torch, maybe You can only see in te direction the character is facing. Maybe you have a gun to shoot the snakes. And you run out of ammo and can collect more ammo now and again when it rolls past you.
  • beefy_clyrobeefy_clyro Member Posts: 5,394
    Hi dshoe. Interesting to see what graphics you overlay. Very nice drag from anywhere, unfortunately, GS isnt letting you download demos at the mo, could you possibly email it to me on keith (at) kc8(dot)com

  • IsabelleKIsabelleK Member, Sous Chef Posts: 2,807
    It's a great feeling having your first game on App Store, isn't it? :) Congrats mate!
  • dshoedshoe Member Posts: 62
    stormystudio said:
    Game theme idea. To make it very different to asteroids but similar playing style.

    Top down view,

    Your an Indiana jones style character, with a flaming torch in hand, your being attacked by bolders or snakes and you have to get out the way. Added visual coolness with a flickering light of the torch, maybe You can only see in te direction the character is facing. Maybe you have a gun to shoot the snakes. And you run out of ammo and can collect more ammo now and again when it rolls past you.

    Ahh very interesting, I have been programming for a couple years now and I feel like I have a very good grasp on programming theory and how it works but I just don't have that creative mind set like this to make a game :p I'll keep this idea noted.
    beefy_clyro said:
    Hi dshoe. Interesting to see what graphics you overlay. Very nice drag from anywhere, unfortunately, GS isnt letting you download demos at the mo, could you possibly email it to me on keith (at) kc8(dot)com


    I emailed you the gameproj
    TheMoonwalls said:
    It's a great feeling having your first game on App Store, isn't it? :) Congrats mate!

    And yes it is! Not quite as exciting as when my first app got in the app store but still a good feeling :)
  • dshoedshoe Member Posts: 62
    I just updated the game with a few needed features. Play it here

    Update 2:
    - Introduced Pause functionality
    - Changed lives system, now you die once you hit 0
    - Player now has a two second immunity after being hit
  • dshoedshoe Member Posts: 62
    Hey guys sales have been great! I am submitting the newest update today.
  • DimensionGamesDimensionGames PRO Posts: 993
    any solid numbers :P
  • dshoedshoe Member Posts: 62
    About 100 copies in the first couple days. 70 of which were in one day. My best selling app to date :) with the update hopefully I'll get some more sales.
  • DimensionGamesDimensionGames PRO Posts: 993
    That certainly is impressive! I feel once when you update your graphics im sure it will sell millions ;)
  • dshoedshoe Member Posts: 62
    That sure would be nice :D
  • dshoedshoe Member Posts: 62
    If anyone would like the drag to move example I used in this game either PM me with your email or just shoot me an email at [email protected] asking for it.
  • dshoedshoe Member Posts: 62
    The update to my game is live!
    New features include:
- Improved control system, you can now drag from anywhere on the screen to move the red square to avoid fingers being in the way.

    - Enemy spawning improved

    - Removed unnecessary enemies

    - Introduced Pause functionality
    - Changed lives system, now you die once you hit 0
    - Player now has a two second immunity after being hit
    - Fixed small bugs

    Linky link
  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
    I'm actually curious if this does well as is. Obviously graphics may help but I think a lot of people don't mind simple graphics for a simple game
  • dshoedshoe Member Posts: 62
    Yea hopefully it will :) I'm guessing the update will give me a sales boost.

    Promos! Please tell me which ones you take.
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