Apple approved my clarinet and i'm wondering what a good release date is?

as some of you know, apple is giving me a hard time with the Tax info (i suspect the usual confusion as in most large companies) but, to my surprise, the little clarinet app for the iphone status is: processing for the app store
That went fast and i scrambled to change the release date to tomorrow but i'm wondering if i should/could chose a better one?
Is it smart to release asap or should i push for closer to Christmas?
What do you think?
as some of you know, apple is giving me a hard time with the Tax info (i suspect the usual confusion as in most large companies) but, to my surprise, the little clarinet app for the iphone status is: processing for the app store
That went fast and i scrambled to change the release date to tomorrow but i'm wondering if i should/could chose a better one?
Is it smart to release asap or should i push for closer to Christmas?
What do you think?
EDIT: email magic101hi(@)yahoo(.)com
i don't know how promo codes exactly work (i am new to games and have never played/bought/registered any) but sure, once i get some i will pass them out here, there and everywhere
I can wait and your recommendation is, as all of your help, very valuable to me! So is it custom to release after Christmas? I suppose that the idea is that kids get iphones or ipads and then spend the following days in the app store to buy this and that?
I can wait! Plus, I have to call them tomorrow to get my Tax mess straightened out! I don't get it why that takes so long ... oh well, life goes on
I'm working on the Windows version which i hope to have ready sometime tomorrow.
A prototype that runs on my web page is here:
I added an additional valve at the bottom and still need to record the sounds for the pro version which don't need to be mp3s as it doesn't matter since they will download the whole thing.
As for release i say it really depends on the year. This year you have alot of christmas apps out, plus infinty blade and alot of other amazing and some pricey apps and games. So i figure people bought them plus the holidays are coming up so there stretched on money, so they will just stay with there crazy 3d game for a while. Once Christmas is over people will have money again, so they will be buying more,no one will want christmas apps, and that extra time will let the time pass on the big titles so there not the biggest buzz at the time, and also everyones asking for a iphone itouch or ipad for christmas. So to me it seems after new year would be the perfect time. Im sure some people might have a different opinion, but this makes the most sense to me
but i don't actually care too much about that because the "big picture" is quite different from what people can see now.
In a few months, I should have about 10 apps with a separate version for iphone | ipad | and windows os.
I think that one of my apps will pull trough and then take all the others with it! That's the strategy at least.
My big expectations are with the windows software because I get to keep the databank info of who bought what and how much they spent which apple keeps for themselves. That data is VERY VERY VERY valuable and worth a lot.
A marketing expert told me lots about how to do this and he made sense so I will live by that.
Of coarse the apple store is a giant force on their own right and must not be overlooked but if i get TV coverage again (keyword is "again") than i have a lot of stuff and options ....
Anyway, in a few minutes, I will include a clickable header on my website .... try it, you will love it! LOL
I should have it up there in about 30 minutes (8:15 pacific time)
ciao my friend
While this forum isn't a playground for non game related stuff, I sure could use your help with a simple thing that doesn't take much of your time.
This of you who visit
could you PLEASE provide me with the info of who long it took to load the front page?
This would help me to trim some fat because I want to keep it to under 10 seconds!
p.s. are promo codes an acceptable currency around here?
We all know that a slow loading page is a no no and i'm pushing it with the youtube embedded videos but since the times you posted are very good, I'll leave it as is!
The good thing is that by now, most people have a fast connection and i have a good host
Exciting day today ... i get to call apple and inquire about why it takes so long to approve my tax status?!
And then it's show time
love the instruments... need the violin!
for your most accurate speed test!
I love the instruments too and you are right. The violin is a real crowd pleaser! Soon ....
Right now, I'm working on the iPhone version of my trumpet app.
once i've done that, the violin is probably next because I still have not found a way to layer actors on top of each other and until i can do that, I wont be able to make my piano ...
I think you can do it with layers and touch coordinates...
email me