I knew I shouldn't have made a lite version!

gazjmgazjm Member Posts: 578
edited November -1 in Miscellaneous
As with any gamesalad game that is free somehow, it has attracted the attention of the lovely Rotstik! Who seems to have decided that my game bounty hunter/lite is supposed to be a clone of spyhunter, even though it doesn't say it anywhere in the description, I just refer to it as an 8bit inspired racer / shooter.

Amongst other things he states" no refueling" - however you collect fuel!
"no animations for collisions" - no an animation but the car flashes for a second, and it does explode if you die.
"No weapons / shooting" - The game is limited to 90 seconds, which is stated, the full version has shooting sections etc.

Im lucky he gave it 2 stars!haha.


  • OrochiOrochi Member Posts: 30
    It's always important to include a little bit of all the game mechanics in the lite version. To be fair, I was also a bit confused after playing the lite edition. Maybe revise to a section where you already have weapons? Just a thought. :)
  • quantumsheepquantumsheep Member Posts: 8,188
    Orochi said:
    It's always important to include a little bit of all the game mechanics in the lite version. To be fair, I was also a bit confused after playing the lite edition. Maybe revise to a section where you already have weapons? Just a thought. :)

    A fair point, but it's just bad practice to base a 'review' on a lite version anyway. That'd be like someone writing a full review on an Xbox game based on the demo. It's just incredibly unprofessional.

    The guy is obviously a poor student that has no money to spend on games, therefore gets as many as he can for free in an attempt to spread his poison.

    I feel kinda sorry for him. I mean, what kind of person would write a review on a game that's free, a year after release, and think that it would make any difference at all to anyone?

    One thing I would like to know, though.

    Why does Rotstik list his openfeint name as Orochi?


    Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
    Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io

  • scitunesscitunes Member, Sous Chef Posts: 4,047
    quantumsheep said:

    Why does Rotstik list his openfeint name as Orochi?

  • quantumsheepquantumsheep Member Posts: 8,188
    scitunes said:

    Oh, I've only just started mate. But it's only fair to give people a chance, right?

    QS :D

    Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
    Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io

  • scitunesscitunes Member, Sous Chef Posts: 4,047
    Orochi, do you have any lite versions out?

    or any promos to share?

    I'd love one
  • OrochiOrochi Member Posts: 30
    No whoops here. People think my reviews are unfair, but at least I play and review them. Most people here pay lip service to fellow dev's, but then neglect to review their games (Space Fortress, anyone?). Who's worse? The hypocrite or the honest reviewer? I give good reviews to good games (Space Wolves is a good example), where GS dev's give five-star reviews, no matter how bad the game is (too many to list). I stand by my reviews (the large majority of which are positive), which is something others can't say. Don't put out crap if you can't handle reasoned criticism coupled with a healthy dose of snark.

    I'm not currently developing, so I apologize that you can't review anything out of spite. Luckily, that doesn't effect 30+ years of gaming when it comes to reviews.
  • scitunesscitunes Member, Sous Chef Posts: 4,047
    So you don't develop games yet you spend time on a game development tool forum where people spend time discussing how to develop games?

  • scitunesscitunes Member, Sous Chef Posts: 4,047
    Orochi said:
    It's always important to include a little bit of all the game mechanics in the lite version. To be fair, I was also a bit confused after playing the lite edition. Maybe revise to a section where you already have weapons? Just a thought. :)

    How is this "standing by your reviews"? You say "I was also..." as if you are not Rotstink. I'd call this the exact opposite of standing by your reviews. You pose as one person here and as a totally other person in your reviews. Did you forget to take your schizophrenia drugs?

    What do you have to offer to this community? I really don't get why you are here.
  • quantumsheepquantumsheep Member Posts: 8,188
    Firstly, thank you for actually standing up and saying 'yes, it's me'. In an age of internet anonymity (which you still have I guess!), it's certainly refreshing.
    Orochi said:
    People think my reviews are unfair, but at least I play and review them. Most people here pay lip service to fellow dev's, but then neglect to review their games (Space Fortress, anyone?).

    A lot of your reviews are of the lite version of an app though. As I said, you can't make a judgement call on what is effectively a 'demo' of a full game.

    If the Space Fortress example you cite is aimed at me, I can assure you my review is up on the UK app store. Please do check it out. Unlike you, I really enjoyed that game.

    I noticed you just reviewed the lite version of Gravitrixx. You know, I was fearing the worst, but you gave an honest review that took into account that it was a lite version.

    Though you couldn't personally see yourself playing the game (and fair enough, it's not for everyone!) you gave an objective opinion on the app.

    See? You *can* do it.

    And when you engage in a less poisonous, negative way, you get a decent response. If I may, you commented:

    "My only suggestion would be to make the background gravity indicators (clever) contrast more with the rest of the game elements."

    And I'd like to respond:
    "I hear what you're saying about the background indicators. We felt that we wanted to keep them 'subtle'. Perhaps they could do with contrasting just a bit more with the rest of the background (as is the case with the 'lower spec' machines as we could use tiles on those which work a little better) and we'll look into it for a possible future update."

    How civil, eh? :)

    And that's the point of a 'Lite' version. To give you a taste of what the full game's like. You didn't think it was for you, that's fair enough.

    You say you value 'honesty'.

    Look at this thread:

    You state there:
    "I actually think rotstik's reviews are honest and well-reasoned. At least he's more honest than the 5-10 Gamesalad members who review EVERY game as awesome, amazing, and incredible. Thats just disingenuous."

    Isn't that the same as a developer writing a review for their own game and saying 'I really liked this (my own) game'?

    Why didn't you just put your hand up and say, "Actually, I'm Rotstik."?

    Doesn't it make you a bit of a hypocrite?

    Look, you seem like a reasonably intelligent bloke, and I find you fascinating because I do not understand your motives at all. I too have 'over 30 years' gaming experience (which doesn't mean a thing, really), and we 'seem' to value some of the same things. Honesty being one of them.

    Yet that is where we part ways I'm afraid. Your outlook... the way you carry yourself in your reviews... it is just alien to me.

    Yes, it's your opinion and you're entitled to it of course. But it's pretty much worthless when it's the lite version of a game that you're reviewing.

    Why couldn't you open up a discourse here, with the actual developers? Why the need to anonymously write your opinion on the app store when you could voice your concerns right here, where the actual developers ARE, and start a debate about what's good and what isn't?

    Why not put those 30 years of experience to good use? Why not try and educate, and guide, those that are making the actual games? You could be such a positive influence, it just seems a shame that you aren't :(

    The fact that you resort to playing the lite versions of GS games when you obviously can't get a promo code, that you knowingly mark down GS apps for features that are impossible to put in (leaderboards etc) suggests a vindictive streak - a need to get at, somehow, GS developers.

    For all my reasoning, I can't work out what your issue is here. And I can't help but think that, in short, because of that, you come across as a bit of a twat.



    Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
    Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io

  • RattleheadRattlehead Member Posts: 485
    quantumsheep said:
    For all my reasoning, I can't work out what your issue is here. And I can't help but think that, in short, because of that, you come across as a bit of a twat.

    Ahhh... now I see where this is all started. And it was answered by the voice of reason.

    Well said QS.

    Personally, while I am still working on getting my first game out the door, I could personally care less about what some of the reviews for it will be. I develop apps for a living and I am used to having people get pretty descriptive when some don't like certain aspects. But that's the biz; you learn to live and learn from it.

    But honestly, get a pair and stand behind your comments rather than an alias and then pretend like you don't know them from Sam; it's pretty pathetic and lessens the impact of the statements it is making. Like QS said, use your years of experience in a more positive manner and help those that are obviously new to the game.

    Anyways, I'll fire you a promo when I am done and you can slam the heck out of it. At least I'll know where the pokey stick in my ribs is coming from...
  • gazjmgazjm Member Posts: 578
    and I thought this thread was just going to disappear without a trace.

    @orichi - the shooting section comes at the end of the game when you take on the boss and his gang, so i can't really include it. my 7 year old cousin could understand the game so I'm not sure why your so "confused", surely your 30 years of gaming should have helped you out.
  • joshmiller602joshmiller602 Member Posts: 206
    @Orochi Being a developer, do you really think your reviews are helping? Or do you think it would have been more helpful to have just said something to the developer on GS? My guess is neither...that you review because you think you're clever, or someone to be listened to. I love how everything has a review section, so everyone can now be a blowheart and over inflate their self importance and feed their ego. Get your megalomania under control, you are not the Roger Ebert of free indie game reviews, and even if you were...that would still be a sad job to have (but at least you'd be getting paid) LOL.

    Are you allowed to leave the review? Yes. Should the dev be able to take the criticism? Absolutely. Does that make it any less douchey? Nope.
  • joshmiller602joshmiller602 Member Posts: 206
    You called it a month ago QS: http://gamesalad.com/forums/topic.php?id=12980

    What a coward.
  • peachpellenpeachpellen Member Posts: 977
    ROFLMAO @ "No whoops here" - attempting to make people think rotsik wasn't your pathetic ass by earlier stating that his/your complaints about leaderboards were "silly"? Pfft. You're a joke. Do you have any creative tech skills at all? Any apps? Any websites?

    "Twat" is a far more polite word for what I was going to use.

    At the end of the day this guy is just a little bitch; he can't create anything and so instead spends his time behaving like a 'tard.

    I'm guessing it's safe to assume this asshat was previously tymemaster? Or does someone else know better? (I think the odds of two total canutes ((Yeah, I know, that will be edited by a mod ^-^;) - "You're right - QS") turning up here in such a short time is pretty slim.)
  • peachpellenpeachpellen Member Posts: 977
    peachpellen said:
    I think the odds of two total canutes (Yeah, I know, that will be edited by a mod ^-^;)

    Nicely caught :P
  • POMPOM Member Posts: 2,599
    I cant believe that you are rotstik !!
    you left a 1 star review for my Party Popper game which i spent 6 months to develop !

    you might not like the game, and it might not appeal you but give 1 star and put a sentence like:

    "I'm not sure to whom Party Popper will appeal, but I will avoid them at all cost !!" IN A KIDS GAME!!!
    is just disgusting imo

    i cant believe i tried to contact you a week ago to give you a promo code to try the update i made for the game in order to try and gain a second review from you, but now i see im not your only victim here so i can only hope you did not get a promo code for the update somehow.

    love the game will put a review later.
  • gazjmgazjm Member Posts: 578
    I think he also 1 starred a kids game I had out. It was in the kids section and looking at it, it is obviously aimed at kids, i mean, its a simple balloon popping game! I think he called it boring etc, well it would be to a 30+ hardcore gamer, but to a young child it was quite fun. I pulled the iphone version as its better suited to the iPad and have had good reviews since.

    I don't claim to be a professional games maker, Ive just loved playing them for my 30 years, so decided to actually learn how to use the software and have a go.

    some people.

    @pom - thanks much appreciated!!
  • peachpellenpeachpellen Member Posts: 977
    He 1 starred Happy Doodle Sushi Smile - but I don't mind at all; it's got a lot of good reviews and only about a third are from other developers.

    The guy is insecure and a liar; we all know it. When he creates something, or alternatively BUYS a game rather than simply getting it for free then acting like a little bitch, then his opinion might be worth !@#$%, but right now it's far, far less than that.

    gazjm, p-o-m, if you wish to exchange reviews shoot me a message on here with a promo code - I'll then send you one for Happy Doodle Sushi Smile and we can review each other :)

    Oh and Orochi, if indeed it was you sending out those ridiculous emails it sure does explain a lot ^-^;
  • THRSTNTHRSTN Member Posts: 178
    Wow ! Here, here! Way to stand up for yourselves boys and girls. In the end it comes down to a simple case of "hate's gonna hate" if you google search rotstick you will see a list of all his reviews and the majority of them are negative. I myself just released my first game of which I'm damn proud of (sideways pinball in the app store now) but I know some jerk out there is gonna buy it and leave a hatefull review of it even if he liked it cause that's all some people can do. I'll look at it, say" watadoosh" and thank him for his 1.40 (cause I made no lite version, that jerkoff gonna pay full price to be a jerkoff) but at the end of the day I'm not gonna let some dick with 30 years gaming experience ( what does that mean anyway?that your 30 and been playing games for 30 years? Or that your 60 and have been writing games for 30 years?Well I'm 32 and love pie but It doesn't mean I have 32 years pie experience now does it?) bring down the pride I have in a project I built and was breve enough to put my real name on "Thurston" and share with the world. I agree with scitunes that this is a forum for GS developers so if the only reason your on here is to spread your hate and see the outcry behind an alt name or to scavage around for some free promo codes to go burn someones hard work down at their expense then piss offwe don't want you here. This is a great and supportive community and your kind of negativity only breeds more negativity and we dont need it or want it here. Don't bother to reply to this post cause there is no way in he'll your gonna win anyone here over to your side of the argument. Your just gonna come across as a bigger prick and more people are gonna see it. Just leave the forums to the people who bust their ass to work with the product we are givin with in order to make something beautiful and fun for the world to enjoy.

    Scitunes-way to speak up

    Pom - I loved party poppers it's a great game, great job.

    QS - elegant and to the point as usual

    I have promo codes for you 3 hard working talented developers for my new game cause I respect your opinions. Emailme @ [email protected] and I'll send them to you

    Rotstik - I hope you find peace and have a happy holiday. Just I know it won't be Here on this forum n

    Merry Christmas to all

  • gazjmgazjm Member Posts: 578
    peachpellen said:

    gazjm, p-o-m, if you wish to exchange reviews shoot me a message on here with a promo code - I'll then send you one for Happy Doodle Sushi Smile and we can review each other :)

    will do, I'll send a code when I'm back home in a few hours!
  • POMPOM Member Posts: 2,599
    Roysadaka (at) gmail (dot) com

    Send me a code, ill give you one too.
  • peachpellenpeachpellen Member Posts: 977
    Cool, gazjm, send me one when you're home and I'll send one back - forgive me if I'm a little slow, our hours are vastly different.

    Pom, I'll email you in a moment :)

    Also, I think the whole "30 years experience" is a crock of !@#$%. It's just like when he/tymemaster claimed to have created Photoshop.

    The email I got came from one (and the same?) of them and I guarantee you it wasn't sent from any adult.
  • gyroscopegyroscope I am here.Member, Sous Chef, PRO Posts: 6,598
    peachpellen said:
    It's just like when he/tymemaster claimed to have created Photoshop.

    Impossible. I created Photoshop, just after finishing Illustrator. ;-) Took me best part of a day.

    ""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork        temp domain http://spidergriffin.wix.com/alphaghostapps

  • peachpellenpeachpellen Member Posts: 977
    gyroscope said:
    Impossible. I created Photoshop, just after finishing Illustrator. ;-) Took me best part of a day.

    Yeah? Well I invented the internet with nothing but a toothpick and some tinfoil because that's just how I roll. ;P (I'm totez not lying.)
  • scitunesscitunes Member, Sous Chef Posts: 4,047
    peachpellen said:
    Yeah? Well I invented the internet with nothing but a toothpick and some tinfoil because that's just how I roll. ;P (I'm totez not lying.)

    You an Al Gore, huh?

  • scitunesscitunes Member, Sous Chef Posts: 4,047
    Gazm, pom, and peach - I just sent you guys PMs through GS. Check your messages.
  • iKandyiKandy Imagineer of Crazy Shit New York CityMember Posts: 310
    Ha Ha Rotstick! Someone who spends his time writing over-the-top scathing & hateful reviews of Gamesalad Games says more about the person than the game!
  • JohnPapiomitisJohnPapiomitis Member Posts: 6,256
    iKandy said:
    Ha Ha Rotstick! Someone who spends his time writing over-the-top scathing & hateful reviews of Gamesalad Games says more about the person than the game!

    This is the 2nd year old thread that you bumped about rotsik, please stop.
  • gyroscopegyroscope I am here.Member, Sous Chef, PRO Posts: 6,598
    Hi iKandy, please heed the words of John and tenrdrmer, in all seriousness.

    However, I couldn't resist this:


    ""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork        temp domain http://spidergriffin.wix.com/alphaghostapps

This discussion has been closed.