Puzzle Dozer HD for the iPad is on the App Store now!
Hi there!
again, thank you all for the overwhelming feedback on Puzzle Dozer.
Now for all iPad users out there, finally, the optimized iPad version is on the App Store:
Its interfaces have been adapted for the large screen and the camera logic has also been revised, so it uses the bigger display to get a better overview.
I hope you like it!
again, thank you all for the overwhelming feedback on Puzzle Dozer.
Now for all iPad users out there, finally, the optimized iPad version is on the App Store:
Its interfaces have been adapted for the large screen and the camera logic has also been revised, so it uses the bigger display to get a better overview.
I hope you like it!
No need to buy, here are some promo codes:
Looks wicked m8 great job.
Fantastic! I can't begin to tell you how impressed I am by the polish in this game. Well done. I'll try and get a review up on Monday. Congrats again!
Right on the front page of the store.
And sales are 4 times higher than with the iPhone version, between 500 and 900 each day. iPad users really seem to buy more.
Is that where most of your sales are from?
Great work and well deserved!!!
thanks a lot! Yes, probably form the UK.
Yesterday, Apple UK asked me to send them some more artwork as they *might* take it in the rotating app store promotion. Now all I can do is hope they'll select it. They told me that *if* they do, the update will be on friday.
I hope they select you for the banner.
Fingers crossed m8.
I just checked it out:
#3 in Paid iPad Games Chart UK / 2011-01-18
#3 in Paid iPad Games Chart Germany / 2011-01-15
And appannie.com tells me that it's featured in 42 places, all "new and noteworthy", "game of the week" or "itunes home".
Kudos to you m8 but and i hope you make a million
Mine won't need to use a splash screen for a while - but I'm still fighting to get it removed by GS for everyone else really.
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io
How did you advertise your app?
I want to take some notes.
I just uploaded it to the store, I didn't even find the time to make a youtube video.
Same thing with the iPhone version that had been featured in december (but not on this scale).
New and noteworthy and iTunes Home in UK, Ireland and France. Thanks, but, no millionaire. Maybe if it was on the iPhone, but not on the iPad. With 9 million devices worldwide and 60 cent from each app, one would have to sell 1.6 million copies - meaning to every sixth owner of an iPad - to make a million dollars.
To get that far with one app, I think you'd need a lot more stores featuring it... ;-)