Publishing Help Before I Dropkick Steve Jobs
I am gonna grenade Steve Jobs then dropkick him if someone doesn't help me out.
I keep getting a Codesign error even though everything should be fine.
I have a distribution and a developer profile for my app and the developer one works fine and installs to my phone. When I upload to Apple using Application Loader I get a codesign error every single time and it's stressing me out. I'm million percent using the right distribution profile and it is version 1.0 like GS.
Any ideas?
I am gonna grenade Steve Jobs then dropkick him if someone doesn't help me out.
I keep getting a Codesign error even though everything should be fine.
I have a distribution and a developer profile for my app and the developer one works fine and installs to my phone. When I upload to Apple using Application Loader I get a codesign error every single time and it's stressing me out. I'm million percent using the right distribution profile and it is version 1.0 like GS.
Any ideas?
1. Create a NEW App ID on the developer site, DO NOT use the same one you used for development.
2. Create a new Distribution Provisioning profile (make sure it is set to App Store and not ad-hoc). The new Provisioning profile should be tied to the new App ID you just made. Make sure to install the new Profile on your Mac.
3. On iTunes connect, create your game and make sure it is also tied to the new App ID
4. Publish in GameSalad using the new provisioning profile.
5. In the App Uploader, select your new App you created that is tied to the new App ID.
The key to failure is using the wrong App ID, make sure it is a new one and NOT the same one you used for development. Hope this helps, post any more issues you have and we'll try to solve.
Cheers Nexus, I seemed to have tried all of those, I'll post what was wrong after the Skype-idge.
Thanks a lot
My question now is what do I have to do when I want to upload my next game?
Do I have to go through all the steps you described again or can I use the same profiles?
I think any additional games we submit (after the first upload) are just different by the name and description and version which Apple should see as such? - just a guess
Any suggestions would be awesome!
Here's my profiles
I went through the same problems with getting all the error codes when trying to upload to Apple.
The problem wasn't with Apple or GS. The problem was on my end by not selecting the RIGHT provisioning profile in the pull down menu on the 3rd screen in GS when I tried to publish.
Its easy to overlook this very important step and I finally figured it out.
When you publish to GS for the iPhone in my case you have to go through a couple of screens.
The page which shows your provisioning profile/name normally has your games name in it so you don't select anything there.
Well I know that a lot of people have done their provisioning profile over and over again cause of the error message and guess what they are all in this pull down menu.
I had about 5 of them. So I tried to publish again and again, using a different one every time. In my case it was the 3rd one.
Bingo, no problem at all, went through in seconds.
Hope this helps someone out there.
I usually cut-and-paste those words into a web search bar, which usually leads me to the answer. Heh... the reverse is also a nice boost of traffic to it seems people are still figuring out how to use Android or add Reachability checking to their Xcode apps.
This is a GameSalad project? ...not Xcode?
Cheers Photics
If I was in the same scenario, I might try recreating all the security stuff... a new certificate — with a new name — specifically for publishing. (I don't mess with AdHoc.) Then, with the new certificate, I'd republish the GameSalad project.
Basically, it should work like this...
1) You get your certificate from Apple
2) You drop that certificate into Xcode
3) You publish your GameSalad project
4) You select the right certificate
5) You let GameSalad access the certificate (Did you click deny?)
6) Stop to enjoy the GameSalad fireworks screen
7) You zip the file you get back get back from GameSalad
8) Upload it with Application uploader
9) Make sure it matches your listing in iTunes Connect
10) Sell 1,000,000 copies
11) Retire
12) Realize you have a lot of free time
13) Make more games for fun
14) Make more money
15) Become a philanthropist
16) Solve all of the worlds problems with your vast wealth
Then I made a mistake and went too far... I deleted the app from iTunes connect thinking that since I hadn't uploaded the binary, no problem to redo that part as well... it's just the screen shots, icon, description, so why notl.
WELL DON'T DO IT! It has now locked up my app name so I can't use it. GRRRRRR. I've got three emails into Apple telling them my screw up and still no word (reminds me of GS). I also talked to the developer support and all they could do was advise me to start a support ticket.
I know this is not the issue being discussed, but wanted to pass this along.