The Little Composers Trumpet 2

Hey gang,
a few days ago, I've uploaded my first app to Apple and if they don't reject it, children all over the world will learn how to play an instrument the little composers way!
The app is sub divided into three areas. The first one lets you play a few lessons so that new users get used to handling the instrument.
The second part features real songs children and parents will hopefully recognize and the last part lets children make up their own song! I like the last part the best because when i was little, it was boring to play the exact same song over and over and my teacher was very strict so "improvisation" was not tolerated.
Looking back, maybe this was a good thing because sometimes, what you don't allow a kid to do, they do anyway
Good news! I was a little worried how new users of the app would get along with the software especially if they had never played an instrument before. I was relieved when I experienced that playing songs on the screen is an instant winner! A few minutes and they can play everything i have put in there!
That is awesome and I'm working on a slightly expanded version with more sounds! YAY

This was filmed with my shiny new iPhone!
a few days ago, I've uploaded my first app to Apple and if they don't reject it, children all over the world will learn how to play an instrument the little composers way!
The app is sub divided into three areas. The first one lets you play a few lessons so that new users get used to handling the instrument.
The second part features real songs children and parents will hopefully recognize and the last part lets children make up their own song! I like the last part the best because when i was little, it was boring to play the exact same song over and over and my teacher was very strict so "improvisation" was not tolerated.
Looking back, maybe this was a good thing because sometimes, what you don't allow a kid to do, they do anyway

Good news! I was a little worried how new users of the app would get along with the software especially if they had never played an instrument before. I was relieved when I experienced that playing songs on the screen is an instant winner! A few minutes and they can play everything i have put in there!
That is awesome and I'm working on a slightly expanded version with more sounds! YAY

This was filmed with my shiny new iPhone!

As an aside, you have lovely hands!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
but not mine. Wives do come in handy once in a while ....
Sorry about the colours. I am new with the iphone and didn't know how to send the video to the imac. I't's supposed to be easy but nether ipictures nor imovie were able to open the file so i uploaded it to youtube as it was.
It's hard to film a screen but in a few days, when the clarinet app is done, I will take time and colour correct the new videos!
Mozart to Emporer: "tell me which ones sire and I shall take them out!"
I posted that over a months ago! God, time flies ....
p.s. that was my first app i've made
This was my first app, I've released a few days before Christmas and in the wrong category, games instead of music.
I am torn between giving users a huge free update (like you can see here in the online flash version
or, if I just should update the golden trumpet with the corrected lessons and enhanced composition window and then do another upgrade that features "in app purchasing" where users can upgrade for $0.99 to the new model with features extra valves, one additional ear training module which the original one did not have and the jam feature which I am now including in all my apps.
I have one more thing to do and then it's time to update the trumpet. I will know soon