Help Need FB on difficulty-Space Fortress 1.1 free game

Hi all,
So, I released another version of my free game Space Fortress and one of the main things I did was increase the initial difficulty of the game. I was worried that it was a little too slow of a ramping before, but now it is hard to know where it is at, too hard or still too easy. Anyway, I was hoping that those here if they had the time could download the game and play it a few times. Then if possible, if you could tell me what stage number you managed to get to, and whatever other thoughts you may have on the game. Leaving a review would be awesome, as well.
Thanks for reading...
link -
long movie of gameplay, if interested...
So, I released another version of my free game Space Fortress and one of the main things I did was increase the initial difficulty of the game. I was worried that it was a little too slow of a ramping before, but now it is hard to know where it is at, too hard or still too easy. Anyway, I was hoping that those here if they had the time could download the game and play it a few times. Then if possible, if you could tell me what stage number you managed to get to, and whatever other thoughts you may have on the game. Leaving a review would be awesome, as well.
Thanks for reading...
link -
long movie of gameplay, if interested...

480x285 for scene...
480x320 for camera...
Unfortunately, you can't change the scenes offset, so the cutoff happens at the top of the screen. That's why I had to use a funny workaround and make the game "upside down" in the editor...
Maybe they will allow scene offsets in the future, that way you could "window" your game field and have menus and such on the sides...
Anyway, I have released what will most likely be a final version of space fortress. There is an annoying bug with resuming game that I may fix, but anyway, I am wondering if peeps on the forum could help with thoughts on difficulty for the game. I added a difficulty select menu right after selecting new game which I think helps a lot. I also added a bonus round which happens every 4 stages or so. Anyway I was hoping for some feedback and/or reviews of the game. On one hand, part of me thinks this may be the best pure arcadey game made with gamesalad (which there isn't a lot of), but another is not so sure. It is sort of shocking how many people have difficulty with the game( even on easy difficulty). I would appreciate anyone downloading and checking out for me. One thing to note for gamesalad pro users... I did something which I thought was pretty cool... Adding a email friend button at the game over screen with the subject and body filled with a link to the game, but with a blank "email to" address, it defaults to having the "email to" active when the email is opened..,
Thanks for reading.,,