Mole in a Hole Now Available on the Appstore!

Mole in a Hole is now available for download from the Appstore priced at 99c/59p.
I have a limited number of promo codes available, so if you want one, email me at [email protected] and I'll send out as many as I can.

thanks for the support. Not sure what the M**e is all about...its displaying correctly on my downloaded version.
I couldnt actually use the word Mole in my appstore description though, as the word seemed to be flagged as inappropriate and gave me a warning that my app might be rejected if i kept it in.... so I had to remove the word and just reword the description a little.
So maybe its something to do with that.... does Mole have some dodgy connotations in Australia?
Very strange
I found I had some difficulty on the off - the actual pulling back from the mole to shoot mechanic was a little twitchy for me at first.
Also, the 'shot on radar' would certainly be helpful, especially now I've actually played it!
Those are minor concerns though, and it runs brilliantly on my 3GS.
Congrats on another release!
P.S. - tried to leave a review on itunes but was told 'customer reviews are unavailable right now' - will try again later!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Actually thats 4 words
Gah.... that sounds like a proper bug/glitch. I'll give it some more testing on that... and slap my brother about a bit for letting it slip through.
What device are you running it on.... if you dont mind, and wouldnt be too upset about losing your current scores could you reset the scores and see if it happens again?
Ive got an update in the works anyway, so If i can track down that issue i should be able to get it fixed and out into the wild relatively quickly...
Just a quick question though...
How did you do the shadow of the main actor and for the spinning walls?
I can't work it out!!!!
I just bought the game and I'll leave a review as soon as I have some time to play a little.
It looks great anyway!
so awesome
really well made.
Could the camera pan out to be centered on the center of the course or could we swipe to view the whole course in panned out view? Of course this is coming from someone who has no clue how hard that might be but I wanted to offer it up in case you think it would make the game better also.
or for some way to scroll around the course for a look before you take a shot
My wife actually suggested the same thing...and looking at it, yup, its something I'll look into.
Currently when it zooms out, it centres on the Mole, and only zooms out to a certain distance. Either i need to simply make it zoom out further, so it shows the entire level, or I need to calculate a point midway between the Mole and the Hole and make the zoom centre on that point.
I'll probably tweak the system to do both...
I should probably look at doing some sort of player controlled scrolling around whilst not in zoom too, so it makes it easier to work out shots that are off camera...
But yup... its great getting feedback, as after a while, you get a little too encapsulated in your own project, and dont pick up on things that could be improved or done differently.
I plan to do quite a few updates for Mole in a Hole, to add new episodes and game mechanics, and flesh it out into a much larger game than it currently there should be plenty of opportunity to tweak or change things as gameplay feedback filters in...
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain
Probably not until after Christmas though.
From tests, I think the game will play much nicer on the iPad, due to the larger, squarer screen... I can show more of the gameplay area before needing to zoom out.
The single device type also means I'll be able to add more to the levels without the risk of killing older devices.
The levels convert easily to iPad, so its mostly Options screens and interface that will take the most tweaking and rework for the iPad version. I'd like to have an additional 2-3 Episodes built for inclusion in the iPad version too, which can then be added to the iphone version shortly after.
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain