Juz: And The Missing Guitar Picks (PLATFORMER) NOW AVAILABLE!!

Hi guys, it's finally launched!!!
Juz: And The Missing Guitar Picks is a sidescrolling platformer where you take the role of Juz, and run around 48 levels trying to find and collect all the guitar picks. The catch however is that the game revolves around walking in two planes of gravity… on the ground and on the ceiling!
This took me 3 months of about 90% of my spare time, so I'm extremely excited about this one! I will ONLY be giving out promo codes to people that are able to leave a review for me, as they are a bit precious at this stage.
I've also noticed a couple spelling/grammar issues in the tutorial which I'll be sending in an update for shortly. A lite version will also launch soon (still awaiting review)
iTunes link:
Please take a moment to leave a comment on my TA thread also!
Hope you all enjoy!!
Cheers, Weswog
If you give me a promo code i would gladly leave you a honest and positive review.
My email : zackonmac @ gmail.com
I'm glad the video had that effect on you, hopefully it will on others too
I'll be posting sales updates if people request them, but I really have no idea what to expect on this one. I'm doing my best to try and promote the game, and I really need to get as many downloads on the first couple of days as I can!
Again, if anyone would like to leave a review and rating for me, I'd be more than happy to share you a promo code. PM me if you're interested. Thanks to anyone that helps bump the TA thread! http://forums.toucharcade.com/showthread.php?p=1463850
id love a promo code papiomitis at yahoo dot com
Good luck with the sales!
Not only have you got the platform mechanics working flawlessly, you also have the audacity to flip the screen orientation. Bloody marvellous!
Also - that has to be the best tutorial I've seen around these parts - and better than some pro efforts even.
As you can tell, my first impressions were very good(!). The only thing that I could say against it right now is that there are 'cheap' deaths in it. Walking off one end of the screen straight into an enemy just feels...
Overall though, great great stuff. I honestly hope you do well with this - it deserves some success!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io
The cheap deaths... haha they do happen :P Ultimately it would be nice if the world could properly wrap on itself without any edges. Thanks a lot for your words QS. It means a lot coming from one of the more experienced dev's here!
Hope you're all enjoying the game and thanks to everyone who's purchased it. If anyone would prefer a promo code (in exchange for a review), please PM me and I'll swing one your way when I get a chance!
Its a nice game... solid platformer. I like the pixel graphics style.
Makes me want to do a platformer next....
In short, you care about what you put out.
It's depressing coming here sometimes. You and your game put a smile on my face - can't ask for more than that!
Like Chunky, I'll leave a review for you on the UK app store! Wish you all the best with it!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io
<rhapsodizing> Even only three levels in, it's obvious (make that *even more* obvious, 'cause it's right there in the video as well) that a great deal of thought, effort and care has gone into this. It's not a fun, addictive, enjoyable GameSalad game, it's a fun, addictive, enjoyable game full stop (or period, for y'all Americans). For polish, responsiveness of controls (the jumping mechanic is exemplary), concept (both storyline and control-flipping mechanic), strong visual aesthetic… I can't say enough good things about this game. I think the interface and control scheme are great (especially double-tap Juz to return to menu, and triple-finger tap to restart level - genius!), and the pricing is a steal for a game as well-realised as this. Five stars. </rhapsodizing>
(I've since cobbled most of this post into a five star Oz App Store review.)
Can you send me a promo code please? ty
I'll leave a reply asap on the Danish store.
Thanks for the massive review!! I really appreciate it! A fan club eh? We better get TSB to make us up some shirts!
I'm aware of that, but I really don't know what I can do to fix it. It's much more noticeable on the iPad (tested it on a workmates device) but most people so far haven't seemed to notice it too much from what I can tell. Other tiling issues I'll try to fix in a future update
I still have a handful of codes left in exchange for App store reviews for anyone not wanting to part with their dollar, so if you're interested then please PM me and I'll swing one your way!
Also I'd be interested in hearing how people are finding the difficulty of the game (in particular earning 3 stars on every level). I've tried to really make it so that it takes some memory and working out shortcuts to collect all the picks fast enough!
EDIT: Just got an email from Apple telling me the Lite version has now been approved also. It features the entire first world.
Ok so the first day sales are in. And unfortunately (as I was expecting with the App store lottery), there have been only 34 downloads totally $18.35. There are 13 reviews left worldwide (6 of which are Aussie) all totalling 5 stars. Thanks to everyone who's helped by reviewing! It was featured under new and noteworthy under the categories too, but I think that's the norm for new apps, and with my previous game that didn't help with sales at all.
I'm hoping the lite version helps pick up sales, as well as some other reviews on websites. I've sent out roughly 40 codes so far, and focused mostly on review sites (plus a few different forums), as well as youtube users who review games or add trailers. I'll see how sales go over the next month and decide my next move then.
One of the weird things happeneing is when you choose game category theres sometimes a whats hot tab and new tab at the top and then you can go threw there and select game categorys, but when you click one app store crashes. that would be awesome if this is someting there going threw with!
And i also thing a lite version will boost sales alot! keep up the good work man!
Hahaha thought you'd like that!
Thanks for trying! If all else fails you can jump onto your iPhone and type one out
Heh, had 1 sale today but over 100 downloads of the lite! Hopefully some review sites will be pick it up and give it a hand!
If anyone would like to leave a review for the game in iTunes or bump my TA thread, I'd be more than happy to send you a promo code. PM me and I'll get back to you!
Also, I'd love to hear how people are finding the difficulty and timeframe it has taken to get 3 stars on levels, please fill me in