SPACE WOLVES v1.01 Promo Codes

griffilmsgriffilms Member Posts: 43
edited November -1 in Announce Your Game!
New promo codes are now available for those who would like to review Space Wolves' latest version in magazines,Websites,blogs or other. Please reply in this thread if you are interested and where you'd be posting the review- thanks.

Bored with Angry Birds? Try Space Wolves." ~

"It's a nice little physics puzzler that has great potential..
If you like Angry Birds you might wanna check this one out."

"Angry birds has one thing in its favor that almost nothing else does: the physics feel 'right.' Thankfully, Space Wolves does too!" (forum review)

"I bought the game and i'm glad I did, it's super cute and alot of fun" ~ forum review

"..Space Wolves. Sort of halfway between Cut the Rope and Angry Birds." ~ forum review

**** "Fun physics puzzler - Good graphics and like the physics that focus more on getting the right bounce rather than knocking things down." ~ app store review

***** "Just super - The gameplay combines slingshot action with trick-shooting to make one of the freshest physics games on the AppStore. Art and animation are incredibly endearing, and the swinging soundtrack is well-implemented. Physics are perfect and just feel right. I can't find any fault with what's on offer... Highly recommended."
~ app store review

***** "Brilliant. An excellent alternative to angry birds a must buy!!!!" ~ app store review


  • SnowSnow Member Posts: 124
    I already own a copy. I'll give you a review today or so and a 5 star rating. I honestly think that for a casual game - this is much better than Angry Birds. Harder in some levels, but very fun overall.

    The graphics are the perfect detail and type for a small screen. I love the psychological reward when you get to party with the astronaut and the jazz wolves after you get an excellent score. I love the theme, colors and the whacky situation of having to rid space structures of pesky space wolves. It's very funny. The slingshot works much better than in AB as well. In AB you can't see how far you pull it back and because of the distance, there is no point to anyway. Despite the the length of pull on the slingshot in AB, it is a useless feature. In Space Wolves however, it is usefull and you have to use your brain.

    Good work Grif.
  • griffilmsgriffilms Member Posts: 43
    Snow said:
    I already own a copy. I'll give you a review today or so and a 5 star rating. I honestly think that for a casual game - this is much better than Angry Birds. Harder in some levels, but very fun overall.

    The graphics are the perfect detail and type for a small screen. I love the psychological reward when you get to party with the astronaut and the jazz wolves after you get an excellent score. I love the theme, colors and the whacky situation of having to rid space structures of pesky space wolves. It's very funny. The slingshot works much better than in AB as well. In AB you can't see how far you pull it back and because of the distance, there is no point to anyway. Despite the the length of pull on the slingshot in AB, it is a useless feature. In Space Wolves however, it is usefull and you have to use your brain.

    Good work Grif.

    Thanks Snow - could use the help after this review:

    what are the odds that the first real review comes from someone who has somehow missed the point of Space Wolves!!!?
  • scitunesscitunes Member, Sous Chef Posts: 4,047
    Really enjoy this game. One suggestion, if it doesn't hurt FPS too much put a spawn behavior in a timer (every .1 sec) and spawn some dots as the ball flies. It would be really nice to know the angle that I pulled the slingshot back at on the previous shot.

    Overall, nice game.
  • mzxmzx Member Posts: 151
    I really enjoyed the game :D, but sadly it hangs often.. (I think that's due my ancient iphone :P).. How are your sale going if I may ask?
  • griffilmsgriffilms Member Posts: 43
    mzx said:
    I really enjoyed the game :D, but sadly it hangs often.. (I think that's due my ancient iphone :P).. How are your sale going if I may ask?

    Thanks - check out the update - loading times should be improved even on older devices now! Its a tricky one - loading times: Gamesalad is an amazing piece of software but needs lots of workarounds for simple things like arrays, all of which require actors, or multiple variables which add to the loading times, also each scene has to be loaded individually. :( But I'll see what can be done to reduce loading times further!

    Judging from number of downloads in the first couple of days not a lot of people know about it yet - which we are trying to remedy! If we keep getting 5 star reviews on the app store that may help in the long run! :)
  • SnowSnow Member Posts: 124
    griffilms said:
    Thanks Snow - could use the help after this review:

    what are the odds that the first real review comes from someone who has somehow missed the point of Space Wolves!!!?

    Unfortunately as far as real reviews go: Slide to play's review was poor and snide. So I left my review and a snide comment in return to warn visitors to their site. Honestly, if you're going to dismiss a game as a clone and immediately compare it to the greatness of the crappy game Angry Birds, stop typing and go flip burgers again. Angry Birds is well made and has nice puzzles, but it bores me and for a casual game it is actually crappy, IMO anyways. All first platformers were inspired by mario. Does that make them all mario clones? Although at the time back in the 80's, only large well established video game companies could make platformers - no one hollered clone then.

    ADDED: Just left your first review on iTunes. :)
  • scitunesscitunes Member, Sous Chef Posts: 4,047
    griffilms said:
    Thanks - check out the update - loading times should be improved even on older devices now! Its a tricky one - loading times: Gamesalad is an amazing piece of software but needs lots of workarounds for simple things like arrays, all of which require actors, or multiple variables which add to the loading times, also each scene has to be loaded individually. :( But I'll see what can be done to reduce loading times further!

    Judging from number of downloads in the first couple of days not a lot of people know about it yet - which we are trying to remedy! If we keep getting 5 star reviews on the app store that may help in the long run! :)

    one thing you could try to help loading times is to not reset the scene after failing a level. Instead you could reset certain attributes so that the wolf images go back to their original state and the stars go back to their original state. So when retry is pressed it changes game.wolfstate (or whatever) to 0 and game.stars to 3. I think along with some trajectory dots (sorry I should just let it go!) would help a lot.
  • quantumsheepquantumsheep Member Posts: 8,188
    I'll take a promo in exchange for a Gravitrixx one if you like :D

    Just mail me via GS mail if you could please :)

    Cheers - looks great!

    QS :D

    Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...

  • rdcuberdcube Member Posts: 361
    I would like one too ;)
    mail me via GS mail as well.


  • griffilmsgriffilms Member Posts: 43
    Thanks for the alternate review Snow .. for some reason I prefer yours!! ha ha. Hopefully as more reviewers play it they too will realise that Space Wolves isnt just an angry birds clone but has its own game mechanic. Maybe people do tend to see the slingshot and jump to a conclusion?
  • griffilmsgriffilms Member Posts: 43
    SciTunes -Thanks for the tip on loading times. Yep that would definitely work for level reset. I suppose it could even go further and have all the levels as spawned actors in one (very carefully organized) scene. I'll look into it. Gamesalad is good but does need some quirky workarounds for some issues in its current state. Hopefully we'll see this improve over time..
  • scitunesscitunes Member, Sous Chef Posts: 4,047
    spawning may cause memory issues (not sure) and I think most people expect a short load time before a NEW level. The load time before restarting the SAME level is not expected by the player and is therefore noticed.

    I would bet that changing a few attributes instead of the change scene behavior will satisfy most people.
  • ChunkypixelsChunkypixels Member Posts: 1,114
    Guys... Im a little puzzled, I didnt read the Slide to Play review, as a bad or snide review.

    I know its your game, and you obviously want the best reviews you can get, but you also have to accept reviews for what they are. Some people will love your games, some wont...some will make comparisons to more popular games that might have similar mechanics.

    Im not sure that Snows "rebuttle" review is going to do you any favors. It states some quite strong opinions, makes a reference to the reviews on the website being dodgy, and states that your game is better than Angry Birds. It also points readers back here...where they can then see both the developer and Snow discussing the situation.

    It could look like sour grapes...

    I think your game is great... but I'd really advise against this kind of actions in trying to defend or promote games. You really dont want to be alienating yourselves from review websites, whether you agree with their reviews or not. Sometimes youve just got to take it on the chin and hope the next review will be better.

    I hope you dont take what Ive said the wrong way, as its meant to be helpful advice regarding reviews.
  • griffilmsgriffilms Member Posts: 43
    Chunkypixels said:
    Guys... Im a little puzzled, I didnt read the Slide to Play review, as a bad or snide review.

    I know its your game, and you obviously want the best reviews you can get, but you also have to accept reviews for what they are. Some people will love your games, some wont...some will make comparisons to more popular games that might have similar mechanics.

    Im not sure that Snows "rebuttle" review is going to do you any favors. It states some quite strong opinions, makes a reference to the reviews on the website being dodgy, and states that your game is better than Angry Birds. It also points readers back here...where they can then see both the developer and Snow discussing the situation.

    It could look like sour grapes...

    I think your game is great... but I'd really advise against this kind of actions in trying to defend or promote games. You really dont want to be alienating yourselves from review websites, whether you agree with their reviews or not. Sometimes youve just got to take it on the chin and hope the next review will be better.

    I hope you dont take what Ive said the wrong way, as its meant to be helpful advice regarding reviews.

    I agree, but am also glad that Snow felt strongly enough to comment.
  • MLCinemaMLCinema Member Posts: 133
    I would like a promo code. I will leave a review asap. Thank you. Good luck with the game.
  • SnowSnow Member Posts: 124
    Chunky pixels has a point though. Maybe I should edit my review. I just got a bit miffed because I know you put a lot of work into your game, it's well thought out and worthy of attention. I do stand by my statement that it is better than Angry Birds. IT IS. Perhaps AB has more features in it and is more complex and even the artwork is more detailed.. big deal. I find AB to be not as fun as Space Wolves.

    edit: Can't edit my post. :/ I requested that it be removed and I'll just post a new comment. Sorry grif, sometimes I put my foot in my mouth hehe.
  • MagoNicolasMagoNicolas Member, PRO Posts: 2,090
    Very Nice! I Like It! will like a Promo code! Do you want me to create a better website for you? I charge very Cheap for it, Send me a mail to [email protected]
  • HeyFriesHeyFries Member Posts: 78
    Looks like a really cool app that I'd like to review. If possible, please email me a promo code via GS. Thanks :)
  • Member, PRO Posts: 895
    i would love a promo code , please e-mail me

    [email protected]
  • quantumsheepquantumsheep Member Posts: 8,188
    It *is* a lovely game! Congrats!

    The only issue I have with it is that you have to beat a level to progress. I'm stuck on level 12, and it can get frustrating!

    (I might just be rubbish at these kinds of games though!)

    QS :D

    Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...

  • griffilmsgriffilms Member Posts: 43
    Anyone who'd like to leave a review here are most welcome :) It would be good to see a cross section of everyone's opinions on the game in one place.

  • juzcookjuzcook Member Posts: 259
    I bought this one, and I love it. Right up there with Angry Birds IMO. The only thigns I could point out to add in an update, is maybe like others have mentioned, a way of tracking your previous shot, and changing the "level finished" screen to be on the same scene somehow. Loading a whole new scene for that slows down the gameplay on these types of games! But fantastic work man. The pause feature is great, and the way you pause the ball without losing its momentum or direction is done superbly! I've already got some friends at work on to it for you!
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