Cosmic Spark - New Flaming Mitten game. Just submitted
Check the info, screens, and music here :
Those of you that might remember. I started this as a test to see if I could make a "game in a day".
Well......3 months later, here it is. LOL
What happened was, after a couple of days work on and off, we had the main gameplay mechanics down, and it played pretty well, so we've spent the rest of the time :
1. Tarting it up
2. Fixing the niggly bugs
3. Waiting for 0.9
4. Fixing the niggly bugs
So there it is. About to be unleashed unto the world.
Those of you that might remember. I started this as a test to see if I could make a "game in a day".
Well......3 months later, here it is. LOL
What happened was, after a couple of days work on and off, we had the main gameplay mechanics down, and it played pretty well, so we've spent the rest of the time :
1. Tarting it up
2. Fixing the niggly bugs
3. Waiting for 0.9
4. Fixing the niggly bugs
So there it is. About to be unleashed unto the world.
Looking forward to seeing some gameplay footage...
it's a pretty simple game. (It's basically a remake of Cosmic Ark, with a couple of extra bits)
But I'm hoping the look of it should draw a little attention to it
Good luck with it!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Looks great though, good work.
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain
it's hard to tell from that vid....but I do have a filmgrain and lines animation running over the top of everything as you play
@gyro..... hah..I should have done the text as voiceover really.
"Invade this planet that you call.......Eeeeeaaaaaaaarth!"
its out now.
anyone fancy a promo?
hope you enjoy
Downloading now as I type this...
[Edit] Film grain... Wavering sci-fi soundtrack... Cheezy effects... This is a work of art. You pulled this off brilliantly. Great work.
most of the graphics are sourced from either istockphotos (the ufo, and a few other bits and bobs), or from un-copywrited images I found around the interwebs.
I had a solid idea for how it needed to look, so I just scouted around until I found what I needed.
I made the music myself (my day job is as a music producer/engineer).
Still impressed.
If I'm being honest, it's probably a lot more Style than Substance
but it's what I do I guess. I'm more of a creative type. heh.