Mole in a Hole (submitted to Apple for review)

ChunkypixelsChunkypixels Member Posts: 1,114
edited November -1 in Announce Your Game!

I'd just like to announce Mole in a Hole, my new game for iPhone and iPod Touch.

Its waiting for review, and should hopefully be on the Appstore in a couple of weeks, just in time for Christmas!

The game is basically a cross between mini-putt golf and pinball, with a cute character theme, and initially comes with 30 levels, set across 3 episodes, with more planned for future updates....

Any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks


  • mentaldirectormentaldirector Member Posts: 14
    Very nice and funny game! Conratulations :)
  • epsilonstudiosepsilonstudios Member Posts: 40
    was this made in GS? I looks great and Fun!
  • ChunkypixelsChunkypixels Member Posts: 1,114
    yup... its a GameSalad game.

    Originally started out from playing with Codemonkeys pool table tutorial/demo, which then evolved into a golf game. I decided to ditch the golf game once it was apparent there was going to be no online leaderboards in Gamesalad for the forseeable future, and decided to make it more of a fun game that would appeal more to a casual audience.

    So its gone through quite an evolution, but its interesting to look at the original Codemonkey pool table demo to see how far its come....

    ...and maybe...some day...I'll still get to use my more serious Golf game version, if we ever get access to online leaderboards! :)
  • epsilonstudiosepsilonstudios Member Posts: 40
    Wow, great job. How did you acomplish the zooming in?
  • ChunkypixelsChunkypixels Member Posts: 1,114
    There were a couple of demos... from FireMapleGames and Orbz I think that showed various ways of zooming in/out. I spent some time just pulling those apart, understanding how they worked and integrating them into my game.

    Check out FireMapleGames demos, linked from his portfolio on his GameSalad page... hes got some very good, and very useful demos that will help you understand and work out how to do all sorts of professional looking bits and bobs.

    so cheers to CodeMonkey, FMG, Orbz, TshirtBooth and anyone else whose tutorials/demos came in useful. Things become a lot clearer and easier to get your head around when you have instructional templates to work with, and learn from :)
  • StormtrixStormtrix Member Posts: 256
    Great job Chunky.. really looks polished !! I think you'll do good with this one.
  • DhondonDhondon Member Posts: 717
    Looks great (and fun)! Hope it does well:)
  • ScootsScoots Member Posts: 507
    Looks fun Chunky, any plans for iPad version?
  • ChunkypixelsChunkypixels Member Posts: 1,114

    Ive got some contract work to catch up on, which is going to keep me busy for a few weeks... but yup..definately an iPad version is on the schedule. I'll probably be looking at doing it over the christmas period.

    From early tests the game plays well as an iPad version.
  • gyroscopegyroscope I am here.Member, Sous Chef, PRO Posts: 6,598
    Terrific! There's some real professional stuff being made by the GS community at that moment, this is definitely one of them! Looks fun; great stuff; excellent graphics/sounds; here's hoping it does well for you, Chunkypixels. :-)

    ""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork        temp domain

  • ZackGSZackGS Member Posts: 313
    I thought my game was great until i saw this, wow !

    Awesome work man, awesome. :)
  • NexusGameStudioNexusGameStudio Member Posts: 265
    Looks very polished, great work!
  • juzcookjuzcook Member Posts: 259
    Looks really polished! Nice artwork too!
  • butterbeanbutterbean Member Posts: 4,315
    Wow nicely polished, and looks like a ton of fun! I'll purchase this for sure when it releases! :)
  • sebmacflysebmacfly Member Posts: 1,018
    Very very nice! Looks awasome in gfx and gameplay...
    I'm waiting for it too ;)

    Quality game
  • beefy_clyrobeefy_clyro Member Posts: 5,394
    Looks stunning dude, congrats and good luck with sales. I have a question i would like to ask, could you drop me an email please? keith {at}

  • ChunkypixelsChunkypixels Member Posts: 1,114
    Thanks everyone for the encouraging feedback... its nice to get good feedback from the GS community.

    I started a thread over on Touch Arcade, so any posts over there to help build momentum and interest would be greatly appreciated.

    @beefy_clyro ...I sent you an email, hope I can be of help.
  • ZackGSZackGS Member Posts: 313
    Chunkypixels said:
    I started a thread over on Touch Arcade, so any posts over there to help build momentum and interest would be greatly appreciated.

    Done :)

    Care to repay the favor?
  • HoneyTribeStudiosHoneyTribeStudios Member Posts: 1,792
    Your game is really well presented and looks very playable too. I'd assume it'll do well on the app store. Let us all know how it goes once you get the approval from apple.

    I'm still making my first games with GS so its encouraging to see good quality stuff being produced with it.

    Well done mate
  • jessicaleahyjessicaleahy Member Posts: 144
    The games looks great. The display looks crisp and clear. It has a nice concept and is really playable. I for one would love to play it.
  • ChunkypixelsChunkypixels Member Posts: 1,114
    Mole in a Hole went into review a few hours ago, after only a 4.5 day wait... so its looking like Apple are really stepping up the review process...

    Im assuming its due to a huge influx of submissions trying to get in before the Christmas shutdown.

    So yup...with any luck, Mole in a Hole could be available and on the appstore by the weekend.

    If anyone is interested in a promo code for it, once its out, if you could email me at [email protected] I'll get as many out to people as I can.

    I'd prefer to organise promo codes this way so that I can keep track of them, and know where theyre going.

  • ChunkypixelsChunkypixels Member Posts: 1,114
    Im excited...and terrified....

    I expected the wait for review to be much longer, so put my release date to next thursday... so getting it out sooner will hopefully be helpful in maybe gaining some traction before the christmas break....

    But have you seen the release schedule for today/tomorrow.... its huge, with some massive titles all coming out at the same time. Its going to be a brutal time to hit the store...

    The charts are going to take a hammering over the next few days, and I think its going to be a hard time to get noticed for us indies...

    Although I guess looking at next weeks announced/scheduled releases, its not gonna be getting any easier now either. At least Aralons finally due out though.... :)
  • goliathgoliath Member Posts: 1,440
    I sincerely think you have a winner here. Please keep us updated.
  • LAdrianLAdrian Member Posts: 237
    Looks great! An instant buy from me also ;)
  • ChunkypixelsChunkypixels Member Posts: 1,114

    Mostly from tracking TouchArcade, and a few other websites. Theyve started doing a weekly Thursday release thing... as most of the big companies EA, Gameloft etc seem to have done some research and figured that releasing apps on Thursday is the best day of the week to gain the best sales traction.

    They announce release dates for a lot of games too, as for many of the bigger publisher games, theyre heavily tied into marketting, so know exactly what date theyre due to release on... compared to most indies who just release as soon as the game is approved.

    So later tonight/tomorrow morning the following are hitting the Appstore:

    Infinity Blade
    Dungeon Hunter 2
    Dead Rising Mobile
    PuzzleQuest 2
    Pirates vs Ninjas vs Zombies vs Pandas
    Eternal Legacy

    Next week Aralon, World of Goo and Nova2 are announced/expected to be amongst the big releases.

    Next week is also the last chance to get the big Featured slots before the christmas a lot of publishers/devs are releasing their titles this week in the hope of getting a Feature that theyre then locked into over the busiest period of the year.
  • expired_012expired_012 Member Posts: 1,802
    I dont understand why releasing on Thursday is a good thing. If that's the day that apple updates the N&N, assuming that they determine the apps to be on the list a few days prior, will you really be able to make it on the N&N list that day?

    And also, if you release next week but if it were accepted today, won't the release date still show as todays date?

    Sorry for my weird questions, just a bit confused right now
  • ChunkypixelsChunkypixels Member Posts: 1,114

    you were right... app status has just changed from In Review to Processing for Appstore... so its looking like its a 5 day approval...

    ...thats got to be one of the quickest Ive ever heard of. Not sure it says much for how well they can be testing the apps though if theyre tested and approved within half a day, but hey ho....who am I to say :)
  • quantumsheepquantumsheep Member Posts: 8,188
    That looks absolutely fabulous! Nice one! :D

    One tiny thing, I absolutely love the radar (and it may be by design, so forgive me!) but wouldn't it be helpful to have your shot direction visible on that (as it seems you have to zoom in to take a shot?).

    Best of luck with it - as I said, looks amazingly good!

    QS :D

    Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...

  • ChunkypixelsChunkypixels Member Posts: 1,114
    Thanks, thats a great idea QS...

    I'll look at adding that in the first update :)

    I'd considered adding tiny stars to the mini-map too, but wanted to keep it running at a reasonable speed on the older devices, so just did the ball and major obstacles displayed on the mini-map for now.
  • ZackGSZackGS Member Posts: 313
    Any chance of a promo chunky? I will leave a honest and positive review in exchange :)

    My email : zackonmac @

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