Menu card for my adventure game
Hi, I've posted this vid for your interest but also for any comments/suggestions/constructive crits you might have. Any of those will be welcomed, thanks!
It shows the menu card and the barest start of an intro for my adventure game project called Ancient Ones Discovery (this is part 1, part 2 is being planned, possibly a third part too).
Please note that the buttons are not correct at this stage; they will be for Credits, Continue and New Game.
The quality's not up to much compared with the original; I think I need a bit more practice getting it to YouTube...
The sound level is low as well; don't know how that happened; so please turn up the volume, thanks.
It shows the menu card and the barest start of an intro for my adventure game project called Ancient Ones Discovery (this is part 1, part 2 is being planned, possibly a third part too).
Please note that the buttons are not correct at this stage; they will be for Credits, Continue and New Game.
The quality's not up to much compared with the original; I think I need a bit more practice getting it to YouTube...
The sound level is low as well; don't know how that happened; so please turn up the volume, thanks.

""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain
I presume your going to speed it up a tad though right, i can't see someone wanting to sit there for over 30 seconds
Any screenshots?
InfusedDreams: as you know, stuff can be a bit more relaxed for an adventure game but you might well be right; I'll see about shaving a few seconds off. I don't want to lose the atmosphere that I'm trying to create though...Perhaps it seems longer because I waited over 15 seconds after the buttons appeared to press one of them. Obviously a user will press this straight away. I appreciate your consideration though, thank you! I'm going to make sure that the intro can be skipped as well if wanted.
TheMoonwalls: I've quite a few of my scene backs done, but still working on the inventory and touch stuff at the moment. i'll gladly upload some screenshots at a later date though, thanks for your interest! (Possibly 2 to 3 weeks time).
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain
Nice use of particles too.
As the others said maybe a bit shorter.
I'm currently working on the menu for my point and click horror, I'm thinking the nicer the menu the I will try and make sure the game play lives up to it.
Critique for your video...(I'll try and be cruel to be kind, but I do really like it)
- When the word 'Discovery' comes on, I'm guessing its supposed to be flickering on like a light dodgy light switch. Maybe have it flicker faster a few times, then slower,until it becomes fully on. Also maybe add a glow behind it.
- The zoom off at the end after pressing the button, (a nice touch by the way), perhaps make it slightly slower (possibly ease out and speed up as it flies off) and start as soon as the button is pressed.
- Look forward to the next stuff for critique... (I'll put some up soon)..
I look forward to seeing your stuff as well. :-)
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain
Looking forward to what you come up with, especially after reading all the interesting stuff that comes off your twitter feed!
The story should be awesome!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain
Daniel awakens from another dream: the same dream he's been having ever since his girlfriend Samantha left to visit and meet her father for the first time in her memory. The dream involves shadowy figures and voices saying: "Join us! Join us!" with images of caves and a factory haunting him.
He rereads an email sent by Samantha that tells Daniel of the small town community where her father lives, and how so involved the residents are with a group of people called The Ancient Ones, it's almost a cult. She also tells of how these Ancient Ones are coming back to show their followers wonders beyond their imagination. According to her father, their return is imminent and she has reluctantly agreed to go along with her father to meet them when they arrive. Daniel is worried and decides he must go to the town to find Samantha.
That's the intro, not totally planned on the visual side of things yet though....
So the user takes the part of Daniel who finds himself outside of the town, a wall surrounding it. By a large gate, he must find a way in.
Once inside, he finds that the town is empty of people; he discovers that The Ancient Ones have returned, the people of the town, along with Samantha and her father, gone to meet them. Strange discoveries, information about The Ancient Ones, puzzles and mysteries unravelled; that the adventure.
I don't think I'll spoil it too much to say that at the end, a factory is discovered. Or rather, another high wall with apparently no way in. In a TV series sort of way, I'll have the words "To be continued" appear at this point. Part 2 concerns the factory as well as caves, the questions raised in the first part answered. Part 2 of the adventure game will be called Ancient Ones The Factory. What the factory is about, who The Ancient Ones really are and what they really want, what the caves are about and where the people have gone I won't say!
PS For your interest, I'm developing this for the iPad and might consider amending it for iPhone/iPod Touch at a later date.
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain
Hi whity7, thanks for underlining the idea of being able to skip. I'll certainly have this on the cut-scene intro, but not the menu of course. Although I've cut almost 10 seconds off of that, so it happens a bit faster. Still 20 seconds though. But the way I think, if 20secs is too long for a user, they shouldn't bother playing an adventure game! :-)
If there's interest, I'll post the first scene sometime this week if you like. (The intro still won't be finished though, I don't think).
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain
I've finished the buttons + added a background in the Menu now. Anyone think the dark green background doesn't work, maybe cluttering a bit, or do you think it works?
All the menu stuff just fades now when a button is selected.
As you'll see, the intro cutscene is not done yet.
There will be fade-in and fade out of scenes eventually.
In the first scene of the game, getting through the door into the next scene won't be that easy; I've a small puzzle to make as well as putting an intercom with numbers by the doors.
The doors opening will be partly animated, so the creaking door effect will make more sense, and I need to redo the open door overlay, as it overlaps with the marbled bar at the bottom.
without making excuses, both main background pics need a bit more refinement.
The kettle won't be in the inventory (as far as I know); that's just as a test! I've yet to get inventory item interaction up and running yet.
That's about it for the moment; any more thoughts/constructive crits gladly received, thank you.
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain
This is looking fantastic, its come on a long way very quickly since the first menu video.
I'm just working on the 'collected items menu' for my game. Its an attribute tracking mind melting situation. I like how you've done yours very cool slide out transition and having the text available for the items you have is a nice touch too.
Good visuals, and nice birds too.
Can't even think of anything critical to say.
Just looking forward to seeing more...
Good luck and please post more stuff soon...
My workings with the inventory system is a bit head-scratching at the moment as well but I'm getting there; good luck with yours also.
I'll gladly post more stuff in a week or so's time, thanks again! This'll have the scene fade-in/outs, and hopefully the inventory system up and running, a few more screens, and the first puzzle to get through that first set of doors.
In three/four/five months time I'd be really grateful for any beta testers of the game. This is a bit premature at this stage, but if you or any one else would like to beta test Ancient Ones Discovery round about March/April time please let me know, thanks! (I'll also post to this effect nearer to that time). For info: TheMoonwalls has already kindly offered to be a beta tester.
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain
One thing I'll mention, and you've probably already considered it, is fading in and out for transitions between scenes. I noticed there wasn't one when you went through the big doors.
Looks great though!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Looking forwad to play your game, and as I said before - it would be a pleasure to be your betatester!
can we play swapsies..? (I'll give you a beta of mine when its ready, for some real honest feedback).