Please Take A Moment To Read ^-^;

Hey guys, I know that the "RATE MY APP PLZ" threads can sometimes be a little annoying and I never feel good about posting them, (in fact I haven't posted here for my last few games,) but this time I figured I would.
I have had my first coded app, Happy Doodle Sushi Smile, (TA Thread: in review for about 9 days now - I know it probably wont be approved for a few days yet due to Thanksgiving but I'm trying to get a head start on this.
Basically, I'd just really love it if you would be willing to get emailed a promo and rate and hopefully review it as well for me; either by posting your email here or shooting me a "Yeah, I'll humor you" email to my username here
I put a lot of work into the app and it's got a number of OpenFeint achievements (if you're into that kind of thing) as well as Facebook integration.
In return I'd be more than happy for you to jot down my email and send me a promo code for your next app, which I'll rate and review as thanks
Thanks to anyone who takes the time to read my little text wall; and I hope to see more of you guys now I'm slowly coming back to the forum. It's been a weird month with the GS stuff going on, learning Lua and various personal issues - I'm looking forward to getting back to normal and dividing my time between both engines.
Have a nice day, all of you!
I have had my first coded app, Happy Doodle Sushi Smile, (TA Thread: in review for about 9 days now - I know it probably wont be approved for a few days yet due to Thanksgiving but I'm trying to get a head start on this.
Basically, I'd just really love it if you would be willing to get emailed a promo and rate and hopefully review it as well for me; either by posting your email here or shooting me a "Yeah, I'll humor you" email to my username here
I put a lot of work into the app and it's got a number of OpenFeint achievements (if you're into that kind of thing) as well as Facebook integration.
In return I'd be more than happy for you to jot down my email and send me a promo code for your next app, which I'll rate and review as thanks

Thanks to anyone who takes the time to read my little text wall; and I hope to see more of you guys now I'm slowly coming back to the forum. It's been a weird month with the GS stuff going on, learning Lua and various personal issues - I'm looking forward to getting back to normal and dividing my time between both engines.

Have a nice day, all of you!
You might recognize it from when you helped me with a big issue with Corona, so the least I can do is review for you! Thanks a lot and im looking forward to checking the game out!
maybe I'll be a winner!
why am I saying 'maybe' ... I'll be a winner, if you keep making me games!
Email- Magic101hi(@)yahoo(.)com
Magic101hi - Cheers very much, appreciate it greatly.
I feel really good about this, having a little list to help my "baby" get a lil kick start ^-^;
Very exciting
I tried to draw it by focusing on shapes and remembering what my best friend used to draw in high school (she liked ninjas and Hello Kitty, lol) - and yeah.
That said; I'd say mine looks quite a lot better. I like how it seems rounder. ^-^;
(I DID take the throwing star from openclipart, I think it was, and paste it in, though.)
I will be posting here and in Touch Arcade when it's up
MyUserName @ gmail dot com
@Mago - I did it in Corona while learning Lua. I hope to do some Obj C stuff eventually but for now I'm just working on learning Lua and writing the odd tutorial for others
Lua is more like actionscript. It's a scripting language and originally wasn't a full on OO language. With Corona, 90% of the nitty and gritty is already done for you. AFAIB, you don't have to worry about memory leak when writing a program that works in Corona.
With Obj-C however, it's pretty much from scratch. You should definitely use a library such as Cocos2d for iPhone. It will be a lot of work.
Check out (this was strange, I wasn't able to post a link so...) They have free programming courses that you can do. It's how I learned Java (Karel the Robot rocks) and they also have a dedicated iPhone programming course. The course is easily accessible in iTunes in the educational secion and totally free as well.