Angry Zombie Launch 1.1 - want a promo? (not you rotstink)
This update addresses the major concerns left by reviewers:
1) Slingshot release is much more responsive
2) Launch zombies while zoomed in or out
3) Better physics
Email me for a promo
dan @ scitunes dot com
1) Slingshot release is much more responsive
2) Launch zombies while zoomed in or out
3) Better physics
Email me for a promo
dan @ scitunes dot com
Great work.
If anyone who reviewed 1.0 gets a moment to update their review I would greatly appreciate it! Thanks!
And then incorporated the ideas from that demo with codemonkey's joystick demo. So basically you need to constrain a tiny touch actor (like in the joystick demo) to touch1 + the camera offset (as shown in Orbz's demo that I linked in this post). Then in the object being constrained use when overlaps with actor touch1 instead of using when touch is pressed.
The issue I have with his reviews, though reasonably well written, is that he generally takes the games for free and is so prolific that he can only possibly spend a limited time with a game before writing his 'reviews'.
I've been a professional games writer in the past, and you can't form an opinion on a game after just five minutes. I would be expected to play through at least 75% of the game (even the !@#$% ones) to form an authoritative opinion on it.
Add to that that he thinks leaderboards are important (which they can be, of course), knows that GS games don't have them, then shoves it in as another negative point in nearly every GS game review he writes and it just comes across as cheap shots.
Just my opinion. He was quite fair on Attack of the Kraken Lite, but seemed to be reviewing it as though it were the full game, which is quite different thanks to the research mechanic the full version has.
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
PS-I think we can all agree that reviewers who post an ad for "Checkpoints" should be murdered like it's their job.
PPS-Loved Kracken.
PPPS-My tag for Openfeint, Agon, and Plus+ is Orochi. My tag for GameCenter is Orochi_001. Feel free to add me.