Looking for artist...
I'm working on updating my flashlight app's graphics and functionality. I've sent a few designers emails and am just waiting on quotes. I wanted to see if anyone else was interested in doing some work for me.
I only need 3 screens:
#1 Just a blank screen with button of the bottum left to get the menu out.
#2 Primary menu state with 5 color selection buttons across the bottom of the screen and a button to switch menu types and dismiss the menus altogether.
#3 Similar to #2 but taller with 4 sliders (R, G, B & Brightness) instead of preset color buttons.
I'm looking for a realistic 3D top-down view with a high-tech/futuristic feel. Lost of depth. All of the buttons would need to have 2 states (active/inactive), with some type glow or internal light signifying the active state.
Contact me if you are interested of if you have any questions.
barkbarkco (a) gmail (dot) com
P.S. My avatar will likely be the icon, if you need any inspiration... ;-)
I only need 3 screens:
#1 Just a blank screen with button of the bottum left to get the menu out.
#2 Primary menu state with 5 color selection buttons across the bottom of the screen and a button to switch menu types and dismiss the menus altogether.
#3 Similar to #2 but taller with 4 sliders (R, G, B & Brightness) instead of preset color buttons.
I'm looking for a realistic 3D top-down view with a high-tech/futuristic feel. Lost of depth. All of the buttons would need to have 2 states (active/inactive), with some type glow or internal light signifying the active state.
Contact me if you are interested of if you have any questions.
barkbarkco (a) gmail (dot) com
P.S. My avatar will likely be the icon, if you need any inspiration... ;-)
just out of curiosity is there any money in this?
Do you have a sample of your work? I might need someone for future jobs. Email address?