123 POP puzzle game now on the app store.

Hi all,
This is not a GS game. Tried to do it in GS first but I came up against a lag problem that
caused the touch response to suffer on a 2G iPod Touch. But I love GS and will be following
it's progress. So glad as well that the rev share policy has changed.
123 POP puzzle game:
A fun game for all ages that involves adding numbers as they fly around a surreal environment that
is populated by vortexes, rockets, magical stars and the occasional leaping whale.
Youtube Video teaser:

App store link:
Peter Lacalamita
Illustrator / Animator
This is not a GS game. Tried to do it in GS first but I came up against a lag problem that
caused the touch response to suffer on a 2G iPod Touch. But I love GS and will be following
it's progress. So glad as well that the rev share policy has changed.
123 POP puzzle game:
A fun game for all ages that involves adding numbers as they fly around a surreal environment that
is populated by vortexes, rockets, magical stars and the occasional leaping whale.
Youtube Video teaser:

App store link:
Peter Lacalamita
Illustrator / Animator
I ended up using Unity 3D. It wasn't that hard. In fact, having the GS experience helped me
organize the logic flow for the game. For me, once understanding things in script like :
and this:
if (x == 0){
do something();
It became easier to grasp. Another thing I'd like to mention is that calling a URL from the Unity game
was one line of code. I couldn't even do that in GS without spending 2000. But don't get me wrong.
I'll still use GS when the fit is right and I look forward to seeing how GS develops.
answers.unity3d.com. Active site. Q&A and examples are posted every day.
Corona is pretty awesome as well. Haven't tried it yet though.
I went to Appannie.com to check my stats for 123 POP and there on the right side it shows:
featured in new and noteworthy for two stores.
So I immediately went to the app store (Can) from my ipod but I don't see it.
Is it gone already?
App store link: