☆☆☆Zombie Birds☆☆☆

I just wanted to announce my fist GS puzzle game, Zombie Birds!
It's a simple puzzle game with cute but disgusting graphics. It should be ready for sale this week 10/28/2010 (fingers crossed).
Im artist, but i have been slowly diving into game programing.
I also have been looking for new ways to improve my game making skills so any input is greatly appreciated.
I'll put up a video and some screen shots to help you guys get the feel of the game.
Thanks for taking the time and checking it out!
- Tony

I'll have promocodes as soon as i figure out how ^^
I just wanted to announce my fist GS puzzle game, Zombie Birds!
It's a simple puzzle game with cute but disgusting graphics. It should be ready for sale this week 10/28/2010 (fingers crossed).
Im artist, but i have been slowly diving into game programing.
I also have been looking for new ways to improve my game making skills so any input is greatly appreciated.
I'll put up a video and some screen shots to help you guys get the feel of the game.
Thanks for taking the time and checking it out!
- Tony

I'll have promocodes as soon as i figure out how ^^
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io
That song is awesome.
It's so encouraging.
Well tomorrows the big day. (@_@
I'll get those codes for everyone.
I found some bugs in the game and I sent out a patch. Hopefully it will update in time before the release.
@BramHokin/ MagoNcolas Sure I could do game art for anybody. I'm just backed up with a ton of work for my next couple of games. Once everything cools down I'll be able to accept commissions again.
It's so good to see something original rather than a rehash of another game.
Good luck with the sales!
I have a patch coming through that should add functionality and fix a bug.
Should i wait to have people review the app?
I heard that you loose all the previous reviews if you update.
It kinda makes me want to not give out the promos yet. (-_-;)