I saw that, I'm attempting to acncel the subsctipion in paypal, but I don't have an option to. When I look at some of my other subscriptions with cancellation buttons, I see the terms as $XXX for each year. With gamesald it has $499 for one year.
What it looks like to me is that the gamesalad subscription wasn't setup as a recurring subscription, it looks like a onetime fee. Maybe that's why there is no cancel button?
yea, I saw those, but I wouldn't say they were shocking. For the most part when it crashes back to the title screen it's because of some game logic I put in, killing a survivor or letting your score hit zero, or hitting the HUD. Unfortunatly I didn't think about it very much and didn't put in a notice why it was exiting.
The review dd 28th Oct isn't good. I think the general public don't understand how much work goes into these games.
Tshirtbooth, thanks - I'm still Express at the moment - I was unable to unsubscribe to Early Access - best read my emails about how to automatically get Pro/try again.
I'd like to say what you guys are doing with GS is cool. I'm probably 30 percent behind you in the game development side of things. For me I have 10 games all at various stages but have been plagued by crashes due to the garbage collection issue and concerns about the overall quality of my games - they look good but are they worth 59p/99c? have you seen some of the games out there. My biggest problem though is time, combining work with GS, I could do with some sleep this year.
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I'm going to keep looking.
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What do now?
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I didn't try the paypal method as it seemed to have a few problems. Should I do that now?
Edit: Ok, no worries - found it now under 'my behaviours'. Great stuff!
Now, about our pro membership starting from today...
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io
Thank YOU!
Q. Did anyone read on the App store - Z is for Zombie's review - shocking.
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I'm at work and they have iTunes blocked. I was able to confirm GameSalad pro level this morning before I left.
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Version 1.2 fixes all of that!
Send and Receive Data using your own Server Tutorial! | Vote for A Long Way Home on Steam Greenlight! | Ten Years Left
The review dd 28th Oct isn't good. I think the general public don't understand how much work goes into these games.
Tshirtbooth, thanks - I'm still Express at the moment - I was unable to unsubscribe to Early Access - best read my emails about how to automatically get Pro/try again.
I'd like to say what you guys are doing with GS is cool. I'm probably 30 percent behind you in the game development side of things. For me I have 10 games all at various stages but have been plagued by crashes due to the garbage collection issue and concerns about the overall quality of my games - they look good but are they worth 59p/99c? have you seen some of the games out there. My biggest problem though is time, combining work with GS, I could do with some sleep this year.
Best wishes to all GS guys and girls