WHAT ARE THE ODDS?!?! unbelievable !
Today i submit my game "Party Popper" to apple and you will not believe what just happened!
the name Party Popper was already taken by someone (even there is no such app on the store)
so i added the " ! " at the end, so my game was called " Party Popper! " ,
a month ago someone said in the forum that saving names are for 90 days only, so i decided to check every day since if the name " Party Popper " was freed, so every day it told me the name is already taken, and guess what ?! i just tried it today and caught it! its mine !
im amazed
the name Party Popper was already taken by someone (even there is no such app on the store)
so i added the " ! " at the end, so my game was called " Party Popper! " ,
a month ago someone said in the forum that saving names are for 90 days only, so i decided to check every day since if the name " Party Popper " was freed, so every day it told me the name is already taken, and guess what ?! i just tried it today and caught it! its mine !
im amazed
