unnamed (sniper game) **work in progress**
we'll I decided to make a video to show the progress of my new game and to get some feedback. Please let me know what you think.
I could also use some help on naming it, as you can tell from the name of the thread I have not come up with anything yet. After reading some tips I guess the app store is alphabetical, so I was trying to think of something starting with a number or the letter "A".
well anyway I hope the video works if not i'll be spending sometime here trying to figure it out. never done it before and thought I would try this while waiting for it to upload to Youtube

Please let me know what you think any feedback is appreciated
I could also use some help on naming it, as you can tell from the name of the thread I have not come up with anything yet. After reading some tips I guess the app store is alphabetical, so I was trying to think of something starting with a number or the letter "A".
well anyway I hope the video works if not i'll be spending sometime here trying to figure it out. never done it before and thought I would try this while waiting for it to upload to Youtube


Please let me know what you think any feedback is appreciated

Sorry for the quality of the video I had to find another program and turns out they put the watermark on it... Oh well better than nothing.
in a nutshell I just increased image size when zoom attribute is true otherwise change back to normal.
Dont want to give away too much info until after i release the game
Looking forward to the breathing mechanism, but so far, I'm very impressed!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io
Any suggestions on gameplay? I am looking for a way to give gameplay more depth. So far i was thinking keep track of how quickly you clear each stage and a mode where you hit as many targets as you can in allotted time.
Any other suggestions would be awesome.
Glad to see everyone (2 of you) likes it
The zoom looks really crisp, i still haven't figured out how to retain image quality after using the zoom function. Looks like you perfected it though.
I just got my apple license back today, so I am trying to get the viewer and everything updated so I can continue on. Im pretty excited about this one and glad to see some others are as well
@BackUpAndDown hey man i gotta thank you for the re coloring you did for me. What I did to keep image quality was edit the image a little bit in Gimp. It was an actual picture, but I edited it so it looked more "cartoony" and it helped out when I implemented the zoom effect.
Any thoughts on if I should stick with the multi touch because people will think its "cool" to use the iPhone features, or should I go with speed and ease of the simple tap.