Goin Nutty: Free for a limited time!
Hi all,
I've decided to make Goin Nutty free for a limited time, to see how it affects downloads.
I've decided to make Goin Nutty free for a limited time, to see how it affects downloads.

Looks awesome!!!
Who did your artwork?
I was thinking that as a possible good strategy to.
Anyone with experience in that subject?
@POLYGAMe thanks for fixing that up... I was wondering how it miraculously started working haha
@MagoNicolas nps I'll def keep you posted on how it affects downloads. I released the game quite a while ago but it's just been sort of sitting there getting about 1 download a day so hopefully by making it free for a week or so I can bring it back to life.
@BramHoskin www.goinnutty.com was made by me. I'm a web designer by day so it's all been coded up in HTML/CSS, the image viewer is made in JavaScript. It was pretty difficult to set up though! Next time I think I'll just use a flash viewer maybe from a site like activeden.net or something.
So, any good change after sale??
I played the game and level 5 was... so hard.
Anyway, it's really good thing for you.
BTW level 5 is ridiculously hard, but is winable! It took me quite a while to get it though haha
Yesterday I had another 2700 downloads. @jessicaleahy i'm not planning on changing it back to a paid app for another couple of days. Just thought i'd see what would happen if i leave it free for around a week!
I had another 1700 free downloads yesterday!