What happens later
If we publish a game under the new business model and decide to go to a new engine do we still own rights to the game or does gs own it plus how will we b able to update using a different engine if we published with gs
A horror story I suspect.
thats the part that says who owns the creative/ide/concept and any great character that would make great toys or what ever you have designed for your game.. music etc etc
i really hope its not going to be as bad as it seems after browsing through the forum all night .. i really was just going to work on my game but to distracted now...
What also worries me is the extra layer of going through GameSalad is going to slow so much down. You will have to wait until they upload your App to Apple and if they are dealing with lots of submissions then this may take a while. You have to rely on GameSalad letting you know of any problems such as when an App fails submission, or if a name you wanted is taken or when an App has been approved, or to get promo codes etc. etc.
GameSalad are not communicators so this worries me...
as GS will now be doing all the info work we do with Apple
in adding applications...icons...screenshots...description...etc.
I think the name of your game in Apple's database will belong to GS...
so you could remove your game...and resubmit to appStore...and not be able to use your title.
and perhaps GS could issue a different game as an update in that name...
it just has a really weird taste to it.. it would be like Adobe flash owning all the flash websites out there.
I would rather pay a higher annual fee or even better turn GS into a stand alone piece of software which in the end is a tool to build games.. much like Photoshop is a tool to make graphic art or whatever.
Also with the departure of i'm guessing 90% of this community which making these games really leans on there is not going to be much reason to stick around after your GS membership runs out.
It is actually really saddening, it goes against the spirit thats made internet what it has become. A place to be independent and learn and even maybe make a few bucks out of it if your lucky enough. Ive been a animator for 12 years now of which a good 10 have been freelance.. i really do not want another 3rd party to represent me as i know from experience that although i am the creative one and 3rd party's rely on creative people.. somehow always end up with the short end of the stick.
Self publishing is where the future is because as soon as people start filtering other peoples creation it takes away originality because if they think it will not earn enough money they simply wont put effort into it. Its all just to worrying for me...