DRUM FUN (Best Drumming Game On App Store)
Search App Store : Drum Fun by Kieran Gaffney

With over over 10 Million Youtube views, Kieran Gaffney is one of Britain's Got Talent most memorable and likeable ever contestants.
This app is the official Kieran Gaffney drum fun sensation and sponsored by Sabian cymbals. Game: Can you defeat the rock n roll villain and get through the levels to become champion drummer. In the game you will have to hurdle drums and muscial equipment in order to defeat the evil guitar playing villain. You will also need to collect Sabian cymbals to accumulate points and hearts in order to stay alive and have the energy to complete the game. Secret Game: By finding out what to tap, where and how many. You will unlock another secret game.... good luck! Cheats: There are cheats for the game, but can you find them? 3 different drum kits: You can bash away on these life like drum kits, creating your own unique sounds for as long as you wish. Stay tuned for our competition on the best drum sequence from the app. Kieran drum tones: Kieran has specially drummed his heart out and produced some exclusive drum sequences for you to set as your ringtone or wake up call in the morning! Kieran Mobile Zone: Kieran has also recorded his own voice and drums, where you can set these as your ringtone, wake up alarm and email notification (both for mac and pc). There is so much to enjoy with Kieran Gaffney's Drum Fun so why not have a bash at it!

With over over 10 Million Youtube views, Kieran Gaffney is one of Britain's Got Talent most memorable and likeable ever contestants.
This app is the official Kieran Gaffney drum fun sensation and sponsored by Sabian cymbals. Game: Can you defeat the rock n roll villain and get through the levels to become champion drummer. In the game you will have to hurdle drums and muscial equipment in order to defeat the evil guitar playing villain. You will also need to collect Sabian cymbals to accumulate points and hearts in order to stay alive and have the energy to complete the game. Secret Game: By finding out what to tap, where and how many. You will unlock another secret game.... good luck! Cheats: There are cheats for the game, but can you find them? 3 different drum kits: You can bash away on these life like drum kits, creating your own unique sounds for as long as you wish. Stay tuned for our competition on the best drum sequence from the app. Kieran drum tones: Kieran has specially drummed his heart out and produced some exclusive drum sequences for you to set as your ringtone or wake up call in the morning! Kieran Mobile Zone: Kieran has also recorded his own voice and drums, where you can set these as your ringtone, wake up alarm and email notification (both for mac and pc). There is so much to enjoy with Kieran Gaffney's Drum Fun so why not have a bash at it!
Come on Guys HAHA
ANYTHING ???????
Keep up the great work!