Rodent Rage - a few promo codes left
If you have an iPad and want to give Rodent Rage a try, drop me an email - info(at)touchtilt(dot)com
I know Tshirtbooth and Utopian do...
I know Tshirtbooth and Utopian do...
Email'd ya!
Also, those who have played it, what is your opinion? I'm gathering my thoughts for the iphone version.
The engine might need a bit of tweaking for the best playability, things like the cannon doesn't move until the last bomb fired has gone off.
Please rate/review if u can!
Would recommend you change the gun mechanics as you instinctively go to target your next shot but can't ...seems to be about the only thing wrong, it detracts from the responsiveness/feel of the interface.
Got my 13 year old playing now...
Yeah I'm going to speed that up in the next update I think. Thanks a lot for the feedback and review!
here's my copy:
This is a great take on the cannon genre! The whole atmosphere oozes with entertainment. I love the comical exclamations of the rats when you screw up. They are varied enough that they don't get old and yet remain humorous. This is an excellent start for this developer and I look forward to seeing more from them! Well done! Can't wait for the update!!!