CreativeRiverCreativeRiver Member Posts: 43
Hi all,

I`m looking for a game developer to develop my iPhone game idea. My game is similar to "Command and Conquer" with a touch of "farmstory" and "farmville".

Please email me if you can help develop my game?



  • firemaplegamesfiremaplegames Member Posts: 3,211
    What is your budget?
  • CreativeRiverCreativeRiver Member Posts: 43
    I`m new to this. I`ve had a few quotes with companies but no individuals.

    Could we discuss via an NDA so I can tell you my idea?

    email me at [email protected]

  • reddotincreddotinc Member Posts: 653
    Will you be providing all assets?

    // red.
  • CreativeRiverCreativeRiver Member Posts: 43

    As in images?
  • synthesissynthesis Member Posts: 1,693
    assets = graphics.
  • CreativeRiverCreativeRiver Member Posts: 43

    I have someone that`s designings the images so I will be supply these to you.

    Can you email me with a signed NDA so we can discuss my idea in full/

  • CreativeRiverCreativeRiver Member Posts: 43
    Sorry PC froze! lol

    I have someone that designs my graphics which will be supplied to you.
  • firemaplegamesfiremaplegames Member Posts: 3,211
    assets = all music and sound effects too.

    If this is your first game, perhaps you can find somebody on here that wants to collaborate with you and split the profits.
  • CreativeRiverCreativeRiver Member Posts: 43
    Yes I`d be happy with that if I can find the right developer as I`m confident of this game.

    Thanks again
  • CreativeRiverCreativeRiver Member Posts: 43
    I`m still looking for a game developer!!!
  • TymeMasterTymeMaster Member Posts: 527
    Let us know when you have a full design/functional specification. Once that is done, we can figure out how long development will take and base our "bid" on that timeline. Since you are providing all artwork, animation, textual content, video, and audio, all you need is engineering. Lets figure this is going to cost you roughly $8000 to $10,000 for every month involved. You will be required to pay 1/3 up front, then 1/3 at a midpoint milestone, and the balance before the final code is delivered. The length in months will depend on the complexity of what you want delivered. C&C is difficult, the real C&C game probably cost a few million to develop. You can cut back a lot of features, probably get the cost lower, its impossible to estimate without a SOLID design spec.

    Note that I am not being rude, just honest. And my figures are on the LOW end. It is expensive, yes! That is why tools like GameSalad exist, so that YOU can do it without having to hire a pro. Your game will have limits (based on GS limits), but that is fine. So seriously, I suggest you buy GameSalad (or Unity) and learn how to use it. Perhaps team up with someone. There is a user here named Photics, he sells a book on GameSalad, it is very well written and will get you up and running in no time.
  • design219design219 Member Posts: 2,273
    TymeMaster said:
    tools like GameSalad exist, so that YOU can do it without having to hire a pro.

    TM is on the nose here, if you have the assets, and want to use GS, why are you looking for a developer? If you need to get up to speed with GS, try doing some simpler projects before jumping into your dream app.
  • TymeMasterTymeMaster Member Posts: 527
    On the nose, I love it! lol

    To add to what Design219 said, if you run into trouble, there are plenty of people here that go out of their way to help. For example, here are some of them:

  • ShpintShpint Member Posts: 404
    design219 said:
    TM is on the nose here, if you have the assets, and want to use GS, why are you looking for a developer? If you need to get up to speed with GS, try doing some simpler projects before jumping into your dream app.

  • MotherHooseMotherHoose Member Posts: 2,456
    @CreativeRiver in your Profile...your website doesn't have entered your full address and only need "" (not the http:/)

    Nice site...if your gfx designer did the are in luck in gfx.

    Don't think you should try and compete with EA ... and the Unreal SDK
    Do think you can do a smaller version GS to begin with and then issue upgrades that are larger.

    Your best bet is to form a consortium with shares in profits (not in losses); hiring independents to program various aspects.

  • ORBZORBZ Member Posts: 1,304
    C&C + FarmVille, and you expect this to be done by just ONE developer?!

    Also, given your scope I don't think GameSalad is the right tool.
  • CreativeRiverCreativeRiver Member Posts: 43
    No I don`t think gamesalad is the right answer but I do need an experience games developer than can build a game with that style in mind of building up individual characters and challenging for space.

    It`s not exactly like c and c but without saying to much it was the easiest way of explaining without telling the whole world about my idea
  • TymeMasterTymeMaster Member Posts: 527
    CreativeRiver said:
    No I don`t think gamesalad is the right answer but I do need an experience games developer than can build a game with that style in mind of building up individual characters and challenging for space.

    It`s not exactly like c and c but without saying to much it was the easiest way of explaining without telling the whole world about my idea

    So its safe to assume you have the kind of money I am talking about? If not, you won't get a pro. Please remember that the idea means nothing, its worth maybe 1%, 99% of the work is in the development. Ideas right now are something everyone has, and right now the market is hot, so you will pay a premium for developer services.

    Its hard to say since you dont appear to have any design document, but I can tell you that even the simplest game will take 2 months, so you are already at $20,000. Is that in your budget?
  • synthesissynthesis Member Posts: 1,693
    I've played C&C on iPod and also have played Farmville (on FaceBook).

    Both are AAA titles and with that description of your app proposal...I am 99% sure that your concept isn't possible to build with GS.

    Farmville is server driven and a C&C clone (a quality version of it) is probably is too much for GS to handle. Both of those games had 6-7 figure budgets for sure...and probably a team of devs working on them for 1+ years...I know Farmville did at least. And C&C already had a brand name established with a powerhouse dev company behind it.

    I suspect that if your budget can handle such a development may be wise to look for a Native XCode dev team...and those will cost at least $40K+ per royalties...if you can find one to work on they are IN VERY HIGH DEMAND. I suspect the down payment required to even schedule the app will be 5-6 figures.
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