"Talking Antoine" SoundBoard is FREE, for now...
To really appreciate the app, you have to be familiar with the video this app relates to:
(Auto-tuned remix)

(Original Video)

iTunes link: http://bit.ly/bkZVNe
Please download and enjoy! Also, if you want to leave an honest review, feel free...no pressure ;-)
Thanks all!
(Auto-tuned remix)

(Original Video)

iTunes link: http://bit.ly/bkZVNe
Please download and enjoy! Also, if you want to leave an honest review, feel free...no pressure ;-)
Thanks all!
How's it doing? How about Antoine??
Antoine seems to be doing fine, but that's only based on the recent videos of him and his twitter feed... twitter.com/antoinedodson24
BTW, thanks for the review, I'm sure all of the good reviews helped with sales!
For HandyLight+, were you developing it already and change the name, or did you develop it after the news come out?
At least, it was by fellow GS developer
I wasn't even the first. There was one that released before mine, and one shortly after. The first one sucked big time, and the second was released as a free app and has flopped around the top 200 free US entertainment charts for a while...
iTunes link: http://bit.ly/bkZVNe
1) did you made the youtube video? sooo funny
2)is it legal to use someone pictures and voice? or do you have specials authorization?
3) what you basically do is looking for press hypes about any subject and make a quick app for it?
(i hope im not invading any personal space here)
1) Nope, but it is hilarious!
2) I'm pretty sure I'm safe on the audio from the news report, which is all I am using. And I have permission to use the images.
3) That's not all I do... ;-)
I just resent. (I sent it a couple days ago, maybe got lost in your spam filter?)
*Lack of 3G in the woods apparently:)
Remember to "tell yo kids, tell yo wifes and tell yo husbands too!" that it's FREE! ;-)
@p-o-m: How old are you?? (in a good way)