Don't Let Go: A Platformer - ON THE APP STORE! - PROMO CODES
Platforming at it's best!
Graphics are composed of perfect squares that beautifully accentuate the new Retina Display.
Don't Let Go: A Platformer contains:
- 45 Levels
- Wall Jumping
- Gravity Shifting
- Passable Plaftorms
- Sticky Ceilings
- and SO MUCH MORE!!!
More levels are coming soon, so stay updated!
If you snag a promo code, please take the time to give me a review within iTunes

ALSO, if those of you would bump my thread on the TA forum, I would appreciate it very very much!
Platforming at it's best!
Graphics are composed of perfect squares that beautifully accentuate the new Retina Display.
Don't Let Go: A Platformer contains:
- 45 Levels
- Wall Jumping
- Gravity Shifting
- Passable Plaftorms
- Sticky Ceilings
- and SO MUCH MORE!!!
More levels are coming soon, so stay updated!
If you snag a promo code, please take the time to give me a review within iTunes

ALSO, if those of you would bump my thread on the TA forum, I would appreciate it very very much!
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I'm on my iPad right now and it would not let me use a promo
I'll check it out when I get home. I'm looking forward to this game.
If you could email me a code that would be awesome!!!!!
If not it's totally cool too.
I'll leave a review for sure.
Since it's a little risky posting emails these days.....I hear anyways.
has my email link right on the first page
I left you a great review.
Those of you who have used the promo codes, please tell me what you think
Have all of the promo codes been used?
If so then I'll post some new ones!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
IT HAS BEEN FIXED and will show it's once iTunes updates itself or however that works
@ LordTaranator
Let's Do it!!!!
[email protected]
... Someone start that contest!
Just realised that may have come across a bit nasty - wasn't my intention, I just know you'd want it to be 'right'
Good luck with it mate!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
What can be wrong?
On a side note, someone released a playable version of Street Fighter 2 that removed the graphics and replaced them with blocks... can't remember where I saw it but it was a demo to show that the playability can still be great without excellent visuals... and it was... it was still, at its heart, SF2!
Great game, good luck with it.
But in a week or so ( sound familiar GS? lol ) I'm gonna add 5 more levels and 3 secret levels and most likely a lite version of the game & cross promote it inside of Instant DJ. Hopefully those 3 things will spark sales
Why cant you setup a website instead of linking to google. Personally I think Apple should sart rejecting apps for not having a valid website. To me, it makes you look lazy.
The graphics also look like place holders. No offense, but the game looks pretty sad and I doubt you will make anything from it without major changes. People need to be turned on by the graphics, and it aint happening here
@ToastKitten: Didn't know you had a pro account and the promo codes are all used. Would love one
@TymeMaster: Don't under estimate the power of Squares, many developers had been successful with their apps made from squares only. (but usually black and white square though)
The display on my iPad is phenomenal...bright and cheerful!
so in a case of pay for pretty vs. pay for play...I'll take the pay for play!
This one runs smooth and very fast...all your time is spent in doing (and redoing) not waiting for loading.
agree with you about the no website issue; I always try to check out the website before I many free sites like, wiki, wix, google...think a working site should be mandatory!
If you honestly don't give a sh*t about sales, then hell with it, keep it as it is!
Just a suggestion.
I want my games to be games, not my wallet.
Optimal, no.
I really really like it. The way the levels build up so that you encounter and learn new techniques is masterfully done.
And I love the "Don't let go" mechanic where the level restarts if you're not touching the screen. Three touches at once to go back to the menu is brilliant!
My next game does a very similar thing (but it's not a platformer you'll be glad to know!). Simple gameplay, that slowly expands and makes you think.
Great stuff mate, good to see something with a little soul in it
And it's a good foundation for a similar game with graphics of some sort. Maybe after the next GS update?
Wish you well with it - I'm very impressed
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
shane.p625 (at) gmail (dot) com
Thanks for the review QS!!!! I have a Pro Account?????? I tried it and it just didn't run as smooth. I was actually going to put ( with the exception of Bumps ) in parenthesis
I'm not disagreeing with any of the graphics pushers, I know that if I had graphics than my game would sell much better. With that being said, I've grown fond of the art style ( if I can call it that ) that I've made so far.
At some point there will be a graphics update, but for now... SQUARES
Thanks for the code. I just left a review on the ole app store for you.