E.W.O. - S.W.A.T. /// A 1st person shooter /// PROGRESS REPORT

Here is a new thread that I will post progress under from now on.
Some of you may have been wanting to know what the gameplay was like...
Well wait no further.
Here is a small BETA demo of the game. You can check out the indexing, UI, transitions and the first level of the game.
I'm curious to know any and all of your thoughts and/or suggestions. Please!
ANYTHING is welcome and no comment is off limits.
The more critical the better (as we want to make it better)...
Don't worry...I can take it!!!
Thanks for having a look!
// red.
I actually liked the look and feel of all of it.
If you really really want a critical comment then maybe the in-game gun looked like it wasn't finished yet (but i assumed it wasn't) lacks the texture of the rest of the graphics.
One thing I thought as playing was whether the actual camera would be able to move. What I mean is if the background image where slightly larger than the camera view and any taps to the left or right of center could make the camera move a little along the x axis either way. The gun and front layer graphics could remain still in the middle just a little scroll in the background to give the impression of a change of perspective. I dunno, might look crap.
But looks amazing so far.
It might just be me but the gun seemed a little bit too small and having it in the middle of the screen seemed like an odd place. Really liked the reloading [when I realised what you have to do] although I was expecting a nice little ka-ching like sound when it reloaded
I'm not so sure about the tap to aim, it doesn't feel very first person shooterish. I.e. the gun feels very static and doesn't move around much. Joystick controls with a fire button [and a crosshair on screen] would be my controls of choice.
Other than that I can't fault the game at all. The gameplay is exactly what I would expect for a level one, it looks amazing and runs so smoothly. The loading and doors separating on the main screen is my favourite!
Looks great, can't wait for it.
Great feedback guys! Really appreciate it.
The gun size is a tricky one...but a good suggestion. I would like to make it bigger...but that means increasing image demands from that actor...and there are a lot of frames for all those animated angles and we are preserving the image loads for some of the more layered backgrounds that have more depth and more targets at different depths of field. But if we have room later for more image load after those "heavier" levels are developed...I think we will increase its size.
The quality of the gun is less so as its straight from sketchup and never went through the modeler. With 70 images (per weapon) to process...it was faster...as there are 6-8 weapons. We may improve them later in an update and run them through 3DStudio if the game is selling well. To be honest...the drop in quality is much less noticeable on the devices rather than on the web play. But I agree, the gun looks a little small now that you all mention it.
Same goes for screen scrolling. Right now those background layers are 960 wide and at 1024...thats only 64 more pixels of width. So I'm not sure if scrolling 60 pixels will be worth the effort and doubling the image load by adding tiles may not be good on our RAM loads. However...I think on our sniper levels...we will introduce more of a "search and seek target" effect which might be more like what you suggest. I would love to introduce visual panning...but again...I'm not sure if GS will "like" that on its processor/RAM demands. Its a balancing act between FPS speed/scene loading times/game depth/and RAM loads. Right now we have about 4-6 seconds of load time on the iPodTouch 2G for a level. Hopefully that improves with the 0.9 update of GS.
Great feedback...Thanks!
We debated on a crosshair style of targeting...but decided a "whack-a-mole" type of game play will be simpler and easier for the young gamer to play. We are trying to reach a broad market and keep the game as simple and as intuitive as possible. But we do plan to introduce some sort of scope targeting in the sniper levels. Keep an eye out for those...as we haven't developed them yet.
Metal Gear Solid for iPhone was a seek target and shoot where you dragged the crosshairs around before shooting. It seems good at first...but becomes really cumbersome after a while. Our game is hopefully going to be an easier (and much lower priced) version of that. I like the idea...but its a debatable one internally for us...and we decided to go with keeping it simple. The less "stuff" on the screen...the better (we felt so far).
We wanted the controls to be simple enough for a 5 year old to play...but the game will hopefully be challenging enough for older and avid gamers to enjoy.
We know that a true first person shooter has a more "search and destroy" type of feel...but maybe we will integrate that into a sequel if this does well.
I'll have to think about it more...and there is still a ton of game planned...so I better pause before adding MORE stuff to it.
Thanks again for the advice all.
Anymore is certainly appreciated as well as counter thoughts to above.
I assume it will have all the moving targets, innocent victims, hostages, etc. that make these games great.
I'm curious as to how you are going to differentiate between all the weapon types. Will you do something different than just tapping with the others?
Not a criticism, just wondering.
Yes...many of your assumptions are correct.
Moving targets...Hostiles...friendlies, hostages...all that.
Plus we plan to have "collateral damage". This is where "bad things" happen if you just tap all over the place. The idea is to select the targets...and tap accurately. Hopefully in fast paced levels...it will make it challenging. Plus the collateral damage thing could be fun in itself (explosions, destruction, etc.)
Weapon types will be basically different animations...different firing rates and different ammo clip loads. They weapons will be pre-assigned depending on which level you play. At this time...we aren't planning to allow the user to choose their weapon. They just play with what is assigned to them...just as if they were a real-world SWAT officer.
The idea here with this game is its trying to simulate what it would be like to go through real-life SWAT weapons training. All the levels will be targets of people ... not simulated people. Hopefully this will bring the "violence factor" down for the younger ones. No blood or gore...just target shooting.
Then lastly...we plan to introduce sniper levels with long range shots and small targets. You will have to scan the horizon for targets in the doorways and such and pan the scope crosshairs around the screen looking for the "final solution" as they call it in the real world.
We wanted to make something that was fun but also authentic looking to real-world SWAT training exercises. Its not 100% accurate...as we are instituting a little "creative license" with the target characters and the level sets...but all in all...we hope to make a visually exciting game that is easy to play but also has strong gameplay complexity with a pace that is fast. This will hopefully make its appeal more broad ranging from 8 year olds to 38+ year olds. The ease of play for the younger ones with cool FX...and challenging scenarios for the older crowd.
One last thing...
yes attention to detail is there. Its our belief that this is what makes a game more polished and what sets the pro grade games from the amateur shelf. We are hoping the critics will take notice upon release.
And to the others...
Thanks again for taking the time to have a look at EWO and sharing your thoughts.
We appreciate it!
Great graphic!
but I want to Break or Explode the target!
HA! Don't worry...there will be things in other levels to break and explode.
One level set is going to be staged at an oil refinery...so I sure you can imagine the "collateral damage" potential there.
Good eye...
Yeah I haven't put shot marks in...Not sure if I will as it will require spawning and I'm not sure if I want to do that to the processor. It will all depend on the FPS allowances that remain later in development.
But if there is room for more stuff then...we may actually put in a "dust poof" rather than a bullet hole...so you can see where your tap actually was after you shoot. Not sure if a bullet hole will be visible on the little screen...where a dust poof actually may help gameplay a little...in assisting you in adjustment of your tap targeting (if you missed a target).