New game, but need one more level idea

Hey Guys
Im currently making a new game, its a shark shooter game.
I have 4 level style ideas, but could do with another so each stage could have upto 5 levels.
I currently have:
1. Tower defence style, you have to protect yourself and your boat from charging sharks
2. Swimmer defender, your boat is in the corner and you have to shoot sharks going for swimmers, but not hit the swimmers
3. Shark chase, you have to chase and keep up with the large shark to battle it in the final stage, this is a sidescroller.
4. Boss battle, first person style looking through the scope of your gun as the shark charges you.
5 ?????
If anybody has any ideas, please let me know!
by the way, jaws is my favorite film, so it has inspired some features. If you can think along those lines then that would be a bonus!
Im currently making a new game, its a shark shooter game.
I have 4 level style ideas, but could do with another so each stage could have upto 5 levels.
I currently have:
1. Tower defence style, you have to protect yourself and your boat from charging sharks
2. Swimmer defender, your boat is in the corner and you have to shoot sharks going for swimmers, but not hit the swimmers
3. Shark chase, you have to chase and keep up with the large shark to battle it in the final stage, this is a sidescroller.
4. Boss battle, first person style looking through the scope of your gun as the shark charges you.
5 ?????
If anybody has any ideas, please let me know!
by the way, jaws is my favorite film, so it has inspired some features. If you can think along those lines then that would be a bonus!
The level style shown is the swimmer defence style. The game will be broke up by the different level types, but generally, the further you get in the game the more swimmers to protect on these levels.